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Abu Ghraib: What the hell is Judge Hellerstein doing?

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Poll_Blind Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-05 04:44 PM
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Abu Ghraib: What the hell is Judge Hellerstein doing?
May, 2004 - Abu Ghraib photo story breaks after graphic pictures showing abuse of prisoners at the the hands of the U.S. Military were leaked. Since then, advocates for government accountability have been fighting to have the rest of the images released.

Flash forward one year and some change later:

About two weeks ago, August 31st, 2005, was the last time anyone heard from Judge Alvin Hellerstein, responsible for hearing yet another appeal by the government on why the rest of the images (now culled down to about half their original number) should forever remain secret. Hellerstein does not appear to be a lap dog for the government, at least once having criticized them sharply for their "glacial" movement in proceeding. In the last sentence, last paragraph of the last story filed about the matter in the mainstream media says "The judge did not say when he would rule, but he has indicated that a speedy decision is important so the public's right to know is not compromised."

I called the ACLU to find out if anyone had more information and they do no- apparently everyone's made their pitch and now it's up to the judge to decide.

I do not recall previous rulings taking this long and don't expect this one to- especially because this is one of the very last pages in the government's "End Game" playbook on the matter. Because of the judge's recent declaration of being hesitant to release the media (an opinion seemingly contrary to his previous, more agressive postures against the government), I have heard many completely unsubstantiated rumors which try to explain this shift, all the way up to "The US is planning to attack another arab country and have convinecd the judge to delay release of a judgement because it could place US troops in that future conflict in harm's way as well as jeopardizing the winning of the hearts and minds of the population they'll be trying to 'liberate'" to describe this delay but I'm looking for anything, however meager, in the way of facts on this apparent shift in attitude?

I know many of you are busy with the outrage over Katrina and many others believe the remaining photos and video will never be released but there are a few DUers out there who have, like myself, not been able to give up on this. Maybe this thread is more for them than the others...

Has anyone uncovered anything about this delay, his apparent shift for the government's secrecy and/or anything relevant during this month of September?

Both from the same judge:
9/15/04: "Ours is a government of laws, laws duly promulgated and laws duly observed," Judge Hellerstein said in the opening lines of his order. "No one is above the law: not the executive, not the Congress, not the judiciary."

8/30/05: "How can I ignore the expert opinion of General Myers, who is concerned with the safety of his troops?" the judge asked. "I can't substitute my opinion for the opinion of General Myers."



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Fridays Child Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-15-05 07:10 AM
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1. Kick
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DoYouEverWonder Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-15-05 07:27 AM
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2. Sounds like they got to him
National Security you know.

What a good excuse for covering up the murder and torture of 1000's of innocent people.

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Poll_Blind Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-15-05 07:32 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. I was talking to my girlfriend about this...
...and she said the same thing. I...may be naive, but I keep thinking there is something more influencing this judge. More than the regular pressures you'd suspect. Being a judge, Hellerstein is familiar with why Justice wears a blindfold. At least it seemed so based on his previous comments. Maybe it's because of the rumor(s) that I mentioned in my message but I have a weird gut feeling (and I'm generally not a tin-foiler) that there's something going on here that... I dunno, just something that's, for lack of a better word, weird...

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