Today's headline is followed by this lovingly crafted abstract:
"Judge John G. Roberts Jr. explained his views and defended his honor with the force and fluidity of an advocate who has argued before tougher judges."
Now look at this beaut of a blurb:
At one point, Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., Democrat of Delaware, repeatedly interrupted Judge Roberts's explanation of a 20-year-old civil rights case, complaining, "His answers are misleading."
The committee chairman, Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, drew laughter when he declared: "Now, wait a minute, wait a minute. They may be misleading, but they are his answers."
Judge Roberts calmly replied: "With respect, they are my answers. And, with respect, they're not misleading; they're accurate."
The worst thing they accuse him of is "blandness" at times (!).
This is the third or fourth such sycophantic drivel they've published about this miscreant since the confirmation hearings begin.
WAKE UP NYT. Your new "even-handed" editorial policy--and we all know what conservatives mean when they talk about "balance"--is losing you readers.
I live in Manhattan and at this point if it weren't for the crossword puzzle I would never buy the NYT at all.