It's a courier who coming in every night. He saw my Kerry button during the campaign last year, and bounced his portly body around in a childish manner going "flip flop flip flop flip flop" I've mentioned him to you guys before. I could slap him some days.
He likes to bring shit up now because he knows I'm a Dem, so he can tell me what he thinks of our kind on a semi-regular basis.
Today he brought up Roberts. I shrugged, but started to say that I have more of a problem with him since Bush plans to name him CHIEF Justice. Only this guy didn't let me finish, or didn't hear, because he'd only brought it up to me so that he could go off on a mini rant about liberals and how we won't give him a fair shake and how he's qualified blah, blah, blah.
I stopped him right in the middle of that with a rant of my own. I told him he could go off and talk to himself if all he wanted to do was go on his own little bitch session about liberals and not respond to what I had just said. I am not all liberals. If somebody just want to dump their stereotyped garbage on me, I don't have alot of patience.
I think I took all the fun out of it for him. He got serious, and I repeated that for heaven's sake, surely there was somebody more qualified than this man to be CHIEF Justice. I asked him how Scalia must feel right now. Not that I want Scalia, but it's a handy arguement. How does a Conservative argue around the idea that there were more qualified CONSERVATIVES with seniority available that Bush didn't see fit to pick. Apparently being Chief Justice is no big deal. Any shmuck off the street can do it, even a guy who's only had a couple of years on the bench.
He started up again about how unfair we liberals were going to be to Roberts. That's when my moderate roots showed, and I just yelled back, "Oh right, and if this were a Dem President and a Dem nominee, the roles would be reversed. We'd be calling foul and the Republicans would be saying "He's not answering the questions!" He called bullshit, but I then reminded him I had a bunch of quotes from Clinton and Bosnia from a group of Republicans that sound just like the Dems do now re: Iraq. When the roles were reversed, then they were the ones saying you can support the troops without supporting the President. Were THEY called UnAmerican?! I don't THINK so.
He finished lamely with a comment that the Republicans would be saying it nicer than the Dems would, to which I answered "Pffffftttt."
And thus it ended.
For once, I felt pretty good about the exchange. Perhaps not the way some of y'all would have reacted. But still, I didn't let him get to me.