of the legislation. The argument makes sense on the surface--that Peace Corps volunteers might be jeopardized by an association with the military. But unhappycamper's title seemed to suggest something else--the hidden motive of forcing military personnel to endure more tours of military duty without the option of Peace Corps service.
So then I looked more closely at the author of the bill. Ah, a Republican. My eye had skipped over "R-MN." Lies. Ulterior motives. Slimebag. Fascist. Selected by Diebold. One of Bush's "pod people" (mindless repeater of Karl Rove "talking points").
That's what I think of Republicans now. I don't just disagree with them. I think of them as lying, hypocritical bastards who have no legitimacy, and I automatically disbelieve every word that comes out of their mouths.
A Democrat--I might have given the benefit of the doubt. (--might be a lying, hypocritical bastard, might not be). Republicans have lost the benefit of the doubt.
I am not an closed minded person. I try to have a large view. But experience, reason and a mountain of facts piled up over the last few years have taught me that we must preemptively distrust and disbelieve anything a Republican politician says, and, not only that, we must try to get ahead of them, anticipate what lying, murderous, greedy crap they're going to pull next, and what methods they're going to use to ram their diabolical policies down our throats.
Democrats I detest because of their failure to warn us about Bushite companies tabulating all our votes with SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code--and their venal corruption. (I.e., Democratic election officials getting in a week of fun, sun and high-end shopping at the Beverly Hilton, this August, sponsored by Diebold, ES&S and Sequoia electronic voting machine companies. Corruption like that.)
When a Democrat speaks, I ask myself: Did Diebold and ES&S "select" him/her as token opposition? Why isn't he/she talking about--screaming about!--Bushites owning and controlling our election system? Ignorance? Fear? Money changing hands? What?
Sometimes I can get past those questions, and listen to their Bush-lite talking points. Sometimes not. But at least they have a chance with me.
Not so Republicans. Every one of them deserves to be wearing an orange jumpsuit, and life imprisonment in Guantanamo Bay. I trust them about as much as I'd trust, say, Charles Manson.
Those bodies of the poor and the black, dead in their wheelchairs in the Superdome, and floating around the streets of New Orleans, have changed everything.