Read here about Rush's controversial "relationship" with his gay "mentor" Norm Woodruff, who "taught him how to dress." The link also points to his early drug use as well.
My concern is that he publically bashes gays and minorities on his show, yet refuses to mention this Woodruff fellow, who was kind enough to take Rush on shopping trips and give him fashion tips.
Why does Rush disparage gays-is he "cool" with Norm, but not other homosexuals?
What is up with Rush's 4 childless(sexless?) marriges? “Arkush was not entirely complimentary. He criticizes Rush for not
crediting Norm Woodruff for pulling the strings that got him into KFBK,
which was where he was working when he met Ed McLaughlin. Norm gave Rush
that last chance (he had been fired a number of times and fallen into
obscurity while working in baseball). Norm taught Rush how to dress for
success and presented him to KFBK at a key moment -- upon the firing of
Morton Downey. Arkush says Rush fails to give Woodruff his just credit
for his involvement in Rush's success, which if it ever does come will
have to come posthomolously. Woodruff died in the mid 1980's of AIDS. He
was gay.”