Edited on Wed Sep-14-05 04:50 PM by ck4829
I am sick and tired of the Far Right and the threat they pose to America and the world.
It's time to strike back!
The UN can be effective against the RW threat.
Even with that parasite, John Bolton, as it's Ambassador, still the UN is not afraid of the RW. They have made a jab at Bush World recently saying that parts of America are of third world quality.
Here is a draft petition that I want to send to the UN. It's just a skeleton of that petition that I want to send to the UN.
1. Ask World Community for Liberation from Right Wing 2. Details of the threat and frightening influence of the 'christian' Right 3. Terrorist Incidents that are because of the RW 3A. Installation of Pinochet Regime 3B. Assistance to Afghan Mujahideen 3C. Helping the Saddam Hussein Regime 3D. Iran-Contra 4. Connections between the Right Wing, 'christian' Right, and the Republican Party 5. A Declaration that the Republican Party is the Political Arm of a massive terrorist network that is referred to as the Far Right 6. Closing - Ask for help from the UN and world community that the Far Right be dealt with
Yes, I believe it has come down to this. Even if we were to win in the 2006 Elections with a landslide victory. They will still be there, just waiting for the moment when they can seize control again.
Someday, I will be a father. I don't want to bring up a child in a world that has been ravaged by the Far Right.