Back in early '99 and 2000, this here newspaper was besieged by editorials endorsing one Ralph Nader, former Green Party presidential candidate and advocate of workers' rights and legalizing weed. Week after week, you'd find 700 words and a headshot regurgitating the press releases off Nader fansites. Yeah, they all freely admitted Nader was a long shot, but it was all about the morals! And voting your conscience! The two political parties were the same corrupt, corporate-run organizations anyway! Vote for a man of the people!
Needless to say, in the aftermath of Election 2000,
diehard liberals were left pissed.He's probably the best chance we've got for turning this country back from its downward spiral into a needless war mongering, gay marriage hating, no environment saving, Big Brother fascist state.
Not Kerry. Not Gephardt. And certainly not Sharpton.
"But you forgot Howard Dean, man! The Dean machine will save us!"
Okay, yes, I admit my hopes laid among the Dean camp for quite some time, in part because of his policies, but mostly because over the summer months I began to see he was the best shot for beating Bush. Heck, my heart almost skipped a beat when I heard rumors ofClarkrunning under his ticket as the VP. It seemed like a combo destined to succeed.
All that has changed.
Now, my boy Clark is currently the front running Democrat to jump into the White House, drop Dubya with a kung fu kick, and then show him the door back toTexas. Dean, you see, makes the older, more traditional folks in the party nervous. He's angry, radical and his approval rating among women and the more liberal-challenged areas of our fair nation (read: The South) remains precarious.
Clark has the key players in the Democratic Party salivating ...