Edited on Sun Oct-05-03 08:02 PM by TruthIsAll
Dems received 13.7 million more votes then the Repukes in the last 3 elections. And that's conservative. Because the Repukes cheat. You all know they did. And they will again. You all know they will.
Because Bush, this very unpopular War pResident, is
(T)he (O)nly (A)WOL (S)ubversive (T)raitor
running for reSelection....
State Total Dem Total Rep AL 2,040,999 44.78% 2,516,985 55.22% AL 223,806 37.65% 370,632 62.35% AZ 1,840,803 48.82% 1,929,864 51.18% AK 1,393,953 55.22% 1,130,587 44.78% CA 15,622,463 57.37% 11,610,566 42.63% CO 2,038,762 48.81% 2,137,888 51.19% CT 2,211,580 57.71% 1,620,464 42.29% DE 446,331 56.87% 338,507 43.13% FL 7,518,453 50.70% 7,312,217 49.30% GA 3,172,410 47.59% 3,493,944 52.41% HI 589,608 60.27% 388,610 39.73% ID 441,195 35.66% 795,988 64.34% IL 7,341,852 57.93% 5,331,447 42.07% IN 2,625,068 44.83% 3,230,293 55.17% IA 1,224,870 51.81% 1,139,264 48.19% KS 789,710 42.41% 1,072,283 57.59% KY 1,304,027 46.68% 1,489,698 53.32% LA 1,608,315 49.19% 1,661,257 50.81% ME 909,588 57.08% 683,831 42.92% MD 3,056,743 57.81% 2,231,058 42.19% MA 4,468,066 65.27% 2,377,417 34.73% MI 5,953,153 54.74% 4,921,891 45.26% MN 3,285,583 55.74% 2,609,360 44.26% MS 1,189,877 44.31% 1,495,184 55.69% MO 3,189,690 52.46% 2,890,767 47.54% MT 458,802 44.89% 563,342 55.11% NE 680,503 37.52% 1,133,090 62.48% NV 672,514 49.86% 676,178 50.14% NH 720,648 51.72% 672,783 48.28% NJ 4,824,988 56.46% 3,721,079 43.54% NM 800,615 53.00% 710,032 47.00% NY 11,065,338 62.60% 6,611,221 37.40% NC 3,470,857 46.60% 3,977,479 53.40% ND 300,812 40.85% 435,603 59.15% OH 6,269,369 50.78% 6,077,546 49.22% OK 1,435,444 42.78% 1,919,576 57.22% OR 1,666,881 53.57% 1,444,786 46.43% PA 6,931,372 54.16% 5,866,536 45.84% RI 705,834 65.57% 370,557 34.43% SC 1,541,009 44.41% 1,928,786 55.59% SD 382,987 44.49% 477,926 55.51% TN 2,820,840 50.51% 2,764,058 49.49% TX 7,171,296 44.27% 9,027,708 55.73% UT 606,679 33.63% 1,197,122 66.37% VT 421,014 59.39% 287,940 40.61% VA 3,326,930 47.29% 3,707,981 52.71% WA 3,140,334 55.88% 2,479,841 44.12% WV 950,892 53.99% 810,355 46.01% WI 3,355,912 52.69% 3,013,306 47.31% WY 206,538 38.31% 332,641 61.69% DC 364,542 90.39% 38,771 9.61%
Totals 138,779,855 52.61% 125,026,245 47.39%