PAC or whatever it is.
The first question asks the respondent to rank the the most important issues from 1 to 10. The Iraq War wasn't even on the list. Homeland Security, Health Care, Education, Social Security, Environment, Reproductive Rights, Tax cuts and the Economy. And one other thing that escapes me. I wrote in "The War in Iraq" as my number one answer, and added "Bring them Home Now"
Another part of the "survey" asked the respondent to put a check next to the PARTY he/she most trusted on issues like reproductive health, Social Security reform etc.. etc..
The answers were written as like this:
A. Democrat B. Republican
I added an "ic" on the end of Democrat all the way down the line and wrote in the margins "there is no such thing as the Democrat Party."
In the comments section I simply said "I refuse to give money to any Democrat who does not stand firmly against the war."
This isn't an indictment of Hillary, who I generally like. I just realized while reading that over that I will not and cannot vote for a pro War candidate.*
*except Santorum's opponent. I'd voted for a steaming pile of dog shit if it was running against Ricky.