Edited on Thu Sep-15-05 08:40 AM by whatever4
Is my opinion. They profit from war. Any war. Even a war in our nation.
Why would they destroy our nation, such a crazy thing to want? One, for money, and two, because they never actually loved it, cherished it or wanted to preserve it in the FIRST place; they are conformist and DO NOT like the American people in general. They tell us constantly they are not one of us, by their actions and their words.
Consider, it's likely they project their own feelings onto their "enemies", as people will often do, project their feeling and motivations on to others. They have said repeatedly that the enemy hates us "for our freedoms", haven't they? A phrase much used, "hate us for our freedoms", which doesn't really even make sense. It is NOT what the enemy says about us, not even to each other. Hate us for our freedoms?? Hardly, they don't even WANT our freedoms, by their philosophy, so what do they care?
No, the enemy never said or indicated they hate us for our freedoms.
Whereas, one can easily believe the ADMIN hates the people of the United States for our freedoms. Every action taken by this admin has been hurtful to our country, and why? Theirs is a black and white world in which they actively hate all "others", simply for their desire AND ability to be free to be other. THEY hate OUR freedom, all our freedoms, so to take down our nation is, in their eyes, the "right" thing to do, along with the profit.
It's what they do. Its what tyrants have always done. Follow the money, it's the only thing that matters to them.
Remember too, human suffering is no deterrent at all, and is not a consideration to the greedy. In fact, violence and suffering that accompanies war is entertainment. Human suffering is entertainment to the immoral elite, self-appointed superiors, hardened warriors sacking, the spoils of war, and it's always been that way. Rape and pillage. WE are the village.
Why? Because ANY war is profitable, even one here, and our nation was never anything but a treasure chest to them in the first place, imo.
Easy to think I'm way off-base with such negative images of this admin, but then we look at Katrina and have to face the fact that human life really, truly doesn't mean anything to them at all. We KNOW human life is meaningless to this Admin. It's a fact, plain and simple a fact. Human life is not a consideration until they're called on the carpet for it, and even still, they aren't treating the survivors decently. Not even now, after weeks worth of criticism from this nation, and the world. An embarrassment, and for all that, they're STILL running all over those people.
War and strife here = Money for them
Just like with Katrina
That is their mindset. Who is their enemy? All those opposed to their agenda. Who is opposed to their agenda? Now, the majority of our nation is opposed. So who is their enemy? WE are. By design.
We're the village.