Ticker today on MSNBC says that a CBS-Time Poll shows that the people want New Orleans rebuilt rather than reducing taxes/tax breaks or reforming Social Security. The ticker noted that these two issues are Georgie's top priority. So here's the deal: there is going to be no way to stop this arrogant bastard from pushing these because he just loves to look at the public and say "read my finger". So, it's up to the people to let their Congressmen know that if they play footsie with this over-indulged freak, that they can kiss their seats goodbye in the next election! (Oh, and wasn't it just yesterday that Hassert said they were going to bulldoze ahead on 70B of tax cuts---as he stammered out "because..ummm..because we have to..umm...stimulate the economy after this disaster"-----these buzzards feed on the dead)!