such accountability and oversight when the people mostly benefiting are black? Where was the oversight when billions were sent to Iraq and now are unaccounted for. It seems that anytime blacks are going to benefit, someone is ready to demand that every penny be accounted for. I don't object to oversight but just wish it would be demanded in cases All cases were government funds are allocated. Rich white people who constantly rebuild in hurricane,earthquake or mudslide areas benefit from government funds too, but I haven't heard any calls demanding that the spending of those funds be closely monitored.
I saw Flakes and he just disgusted me. Same old Republican talking points indicating blacks in NO were receiving government aid. We blacks really need our own media so our story can be told truthfully. Many of the blacks in NO had jobs, were not receiving welfare benefits at all yet that is what I hear constantly from Republicans and a few democrats. Some of those blacks even had their own businesses yet the public keeps hearing about welfare benefits. I wonder why we never hear about the poor whites of Appalachia. They are just as poorly eduacted as some of the blacks of NO and they also receive government benefits. In fact there are millions of whites receiving Medicaid, food stamps, Section 8 housing, disability benefits and other government forms of assistance yet we never hear abut them, only those "lazy" black people taking government handouts. It's sickening.