Edited on Thu Sep-15-05 02:40 PM by jane_pippin
Good Evening.
Weeks ago we watched a natrul disaster wreak havoc on the Golf Coast. Since then many agencies, volunteers, first responders, and good people across our country reached out to help those in need. When terra hit our shores on September the 11th it required a swift and effective emergency response. The fedrul and local guvmints mobilized to get help to folks in need, and I salute those brave firefighters, rescue workers, and other first responders who heeded that call.
The hurricane in New Orleans was one of the largest natrul disasters in histree. Like September the 11th, we hadda lot a folks in need and the fedrul govmint is still workin' hard to give them the help they need. And we're makin' progress, but there is still allotta hard work ahead.
Tonight I am announcing a program that will help folks in need get help. After 9/11 we hadda lot a people wondrin' what the future was gonna hold. The victims of hurricane Katrina are no different. In order to help the victims of hurricane Katrina, people displaced from their homes, and school districts, who are being taken in by families all across Amurka, the fedrul guvmint will provide each Katrina Family with a voucher, so their children can enter the school of their choice and get the education they deserve.
Like September the 11th, our nation has suffered from the devastating effects a katrina. Our economy has stayed strong during these tough weeks. That's why we gotta keep the tax cuts permanent. We must keep the ecomomy strong, and the tax cuts will help us do so.
I'm also announcing a major rebuilding effort. When the towers fell on September the 11ths, as we prepared to defend the homeland from terra, we were optimistic about the future of the site and confident in freedom and liberty. Today we are no different. We will rebuild New Orleans. Contracterrs are already workin' hard on plans for the future. The people of New Orleans and other devastated regions around the Golf Coast will have jobs, and homes to go to one day.
I'd like to thank all the folks who are still down there on the Golf Coast workin' hard to get life back to normal. 'Lectricity is comin' on, brush and debris is bein' cleared, and folks are once again entering the great City of New Orleans. I assure the Amurkin people we will rebuild, we will help those in need, and we will have a Golf Coast bigger and better than it ever was. Good night, and may God bless Amurka.
(note: clearly, this was written in BushSpeak. I actually do know how to spell.)