And you are right... definitely Bushspeak! :)
I did one a few nights ago, too... lemme see if I can find it... I'll give it a shameless second post! :)
Here it is:
Instead of the usual podium and presidential backdrop, the camera will cut to President Bush in casual wear - a cowboy hat, light shirt and jeans. He'll be standing over a downed tree in some area of NO with a chainsaw in hand, and he'll be clearing brush. After a few moments of seeing our leader in full action figure mode, he'll kill the chainsaw, and turn to the camera.
Bush: "My fellow 'Merukans, a horrible tragedy has occurred here in our country. Hurricane Corrina has devastated the city of Louisiana. It was a storm that no one ever could have imagined and never could have prevented. Tonight, I ask that we come together as a nation. Tonight, in the spirit of community, I ask you to help these poor people of New Orleans to rebuild immediately, because my mother doesn't want them livin' in Tex-as no more.
To stay the course on this huge task of rebuilding, I have taken personal responsibility... to clear all the brush in New Orleans. I've got the other President Bush and Clinton watching over this relocation situation, because after I'm done here in a few hours, my attention is going to be on the war that we launched late last night in Syria.
This many come as a shock to many of you. You may have read in the newspapers yesterday or heard on the Internets, that our Ambassador to Iraq clearly stated Tuesday "Our patience is running out with Syria". Well, last night at midnight, it done run out completely. The Vice President and I ordered tactical nuclear strikes against anything that moved near the Iraqi border. This is part of our ongoing mission to contain the terrorists there, in molten piles of glass, as opposed to here, in the good old US of A.
Now, I know some of you are saying, should we be running off to a new war, when we have such a catastrophe right here at home, and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? The answer is, yes, we must do this because evil never sleeps, evil never eats, and it smells bad. We must be prepared to sacrifice in order to win this war on freedom, for freedom.
I also know that many of you are worried about the victims of Katrina, but I want to assure you they are being taken care of. Trent Lott's house is being rebuilt as we speak on a special no bid contract with KBR. Our former FEMA head, Mike Brown - I call him Brownie - just arrived among friends and family in Texas, and I'm lining up some choice executive positions for him asap.
We will win this war on terror, this struggle for freedom here, and abroad. May God bless the United States of America."
Cut back to the chainsaw being fired up.
Next up: Larry King interviews Mike Brown, former head of FEMA, live from Texas, to tell him what a great job he did the past two weeks!