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Bush takes responsibility? I don't buy it.

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LuckyTheDog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-15-05 03:39 PM
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Bush takes responsibility? I don't buy it.
Did anyone see the footage of Bush taken when he "took responsibility" for the federal failure after Katrina? He was blinking fast, hesitating, swaying back and forth. People who are being honest don't do those things. He was obviously saying the words he thought he should say. But his body language really, really gave him away.

That, and the fact that the administration's proxies have spent two weeks blaming the locals (you know, the ones who were, like, IN the hurricane) for the whole mess, tells you what they really think. We have, in the White House, a bunch of folks who just don't get it. They are just too detached from reality to really understand the real world.

I heard stuff like: "well hey, if the cops had not all gone AWOL..." and "if the locals had not hesitated."

What is conveniently forgotten is that the local cops, firefighters, EMS, etc., were not all in a bubble, safe from the hurricane. They were being flooded along with everyone else. Police cars don't work when they are under water. And a cop who can't get to work under such circumstances is not "AWOL."

What happened on the Gulf Coast was not a local emergency that the feds were supposed to help with as needed. It was a NATIONAL emergency that required a decisive federal response. The federal government had the primary responsibility in that case because the locals were too busy being victimized by the disaster to be the primary line of defense.

There was a telling story in the NY Times, though. Apparently, the federal disaster planning developed by the Bush brain trust never considered what should be done if local authorities were incapacitated. D’oh! :yoiks:

All we can hope is that something was learned from all of this.

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fooj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-15-05 03:40 PM
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1. Saying the words seemed like he was experiencing physical agony!
Almost like someone was "invisibly" pulling at his ear to make him say it!

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DanCa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-15-05 03:43 PM
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2. It's just a ploy to placate his base and try to turn around his rattings
I dont buy it one bit.
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