How DARE you assume you know what I know and don't know? How DARE you refer to me as "you people"?
For your goddamn information, I was born in the USA. Lived there until I was thirty-seven. And during that time, I spent a good goddamn twenty-odd years living BENEATH THE FUCKING POVERTY LINE! Several years of that time I spent homeless, with a child with insulin dependent diabetes. Want to talk about desperation? Want to know about getting food out of dumpsters? Want to know about not being able to get medical care while waiting months and months to be approved for any kind of aid, having to do anything you could to get enough money together to pay for a little kid's insulin? Ever look at some government flunky telling you that you just have to be patient while your kid's blood sugars climb into the stratosphere and you yourself are too sick to work? Ever have someone suggest that you put your child up for adoption so that he can get decent medical care? Talk to me.
I attended public schools in Louisiana during the era of forced desegregation. I know what illiteracy is. I know how horrible the educational system in America is. It's getting worse by the day. Just look on any internet message board - the level of illiteracy is mind boggling, and those are the people with enough know-how to get online and type! I saw the public education system being dumbed down during the 1960's and 1970's to the absolute Mickey Mouse, FeelGood Babysitting service that it has become. I know what has been done - get everyone in America dumb and complacent and convinced they have mental illnesses that require psychotropic drugs - oh, and hooked on passive entertainment.
Even better, I'm of mixed race, caucasian, American Indian and black. As a child, I appeared to be a light skinned black. Guess what happened to me? Yes, I had to drink out of separate drinking fountains, and wait in separate waiting rooms. My neighborhood swimming pool was off limits to me. My family had a cross burned on our front yard because of the way I looked, because people were convinced that my family was harboring a "nigger baby". And the blacks wouldn't have anything to do with me either because I was "zebra". Racism cuts two ways. So don't tell me about prejudice or lecture me about the terrible things that people do to those who are brown skinned. I've dealt with prejudice and mistreatment that most people on DU have only read about, back when the Jim Crow laws were still in effect in Louisiana, and even after, when they were still very much "in effect" though they had been abolished.
I've lived under the poverty line in NOLA. I shucked oysters for minimum wage while fat cat tourists sat in the air conditioning and slurped them up. I got Hep A from that job. What a delight, three weeks in Charity Hospital in New Orleans. I LIVED in the Desire Project. Don't get high and mighty and tell me all about how terrible it is in the USA, because I've been through shit that would probably kill you.
Right now, as I write, my poor adopted son is dying. He lives in NOLA, or did until Katrina. He has HIV and Hep C as well as insulin dependent diabetes that is out of control. Whole slew of mental illness as well. Thankfully his friend keeps him together, but there have been years and years of my desperately trying to get help for him there in the greatest nation on earth. Any kind of help - but oh, the mental hospitals are closed now, thank you, President Reagan, and of course, unless you're filthy rich, you can't afford decent medical care, unless you're one of the dwindling number who have sufficient medical insurance. I can't get him into Australia with me because he's ill, and the authorities will not let him come here to live. He just wants to get back to NOLA so he can die there - he loves it there. He has been the poorest of the poor. He went through ten foster homes before coming to me. He was sexually abused by his own biological parents before being sexually abused and prostituted out by several of those foster families. You're telling me about how American society is a fucked up and degraded mess? You're telling me about bureaucracy that destroys lives?
I am not some fat lazy Australia sitting here lecturing to the Yanks - I AM a Yank, I have lived the life you're sermonizing me about. What do you know about doing migrant farm work? Anything? I've done it. I've done all kinds of horrible dirty, degrading, miserable, back breaking jobs to be able to survive. It's permanently wrecked my health. I KNOW the USA is a goddamn Third World Country - and guess what? It never has been anything else. There have always been a disproportionate amount of poor people for the so-called richest nation on Earth. There are tons of people who are kept down for no other reason than that the people who do have things in America, those who do have money, are stingy and greedy and wouldn't want their precious dollars to go to anything but nationalistic displays and stupid wars that they think show the world what a big bad hombre America is.
Australians pay $5 for a gallon of gas - oh, Americans would just shit if they had to do that. But 75% of that money goes to taxes - taxes that pay for the decent social net that exists in Australia. We pay plenty of other taxes as well, but we get something for it - decent medical care, unemployment, pensions, educational grants. Other countries in the First World do the same - but ask an American to pay more taxes? God, the end of the world is coming if you do that. Let the poor starve. It's all their fault anyway. Be truthful about it, that is and always has been the American way.
The entire voting system is rigged? You're right. So what do you want the rest of the damn world to do about it? Australia uses paper ballots. Other nations do too. If enough Americans could quit being passively entertained and whining and bitching long enough to truly organize and possibly do something other than marching around with signs nobody reads, but really DO something, like pulling off real boycotts that have an effect because enough people participate for long enough, or general strikes, you might just get somewhere. But most people will just sit back and watch Survivor or Fear Factor, far too interested in mentally stroking their nads vicariously than actually getting up and doing something. But that would mean REAL action, REAL organization, and enough people taking action to matter.
I did not leave America for political reasons, but personal ones. As time goes by, I am more and more happy that I left, and I grieve to see the disaster that has occurred. However, for the life of me, I don't know what the hell anyone expects the rest of the world to do for poor America. We could put sanctions against you and not trade with you, I guess. What else do you suggest - invading? Starting a war with the USA, with that warmongering idiot in the White House, more than ready to fire nukes all over the place?
Since when is the rest of the world responsible for the way America has shit its pants and is now sitting in it?
Yes, there are those without a roof over their head and for them politics cannot be a priority, but what about the rest of America? I doubt the majority of Americans have ever been without a roof over their head - yet they sit there in the disaster, playing with their TV remote controls - or they're whining that the rest of the world should somehow step in and make it all better for them.
If you take offense at any of this, I don't even care. Your rudeness and temerity are shocking - that you would presume to know what I know about or have experienced, and to lecture me on how terrible you have it. Americans sit on one of the greatest resource goldmines on the planet. They have the ability to live in unbelievable luxury, yet they sit by and allow others in their country to be non-persons - and then they expect the world to come and sort things out for them?
Sort it out yourselves - however you have to do it.
I spent over 1400 hours phone banking, FROM AUSTRALIA, to try to get Shrub out of office in 2004. About the same to try to keep him from getting into office in 2000. For an expatriate, I'd tend to say that's a good effort. I am still an American citizen, and try like hell to do whatever I can to change things - and it just sickens me when 300 million people can't seem to affect some kind of change when their country has been taken over by Bush and Company.
But then, it's just safer to lecture people about how rotten it is and wait for the world to come along and straighten it all out, isn't it?