I see no difference in being a man and knowing that you can spend $20 on a blow job by picking up a street walker, and being a man and knowing that you can buy a woman $20 in drinks at a bar and get a date for the night.
I see no difference in being a woman, walking the street, and knowing you can get $20 for giving a stranger a blow job, and being a woman, going into a bar, and knowing that you can get a guy to buy you drinks and get a date for the night.
You cannot legislate morality. There always has been, and always will be people willing to pay others (in cash or in kind) for sex. There always have been, and always will be people willing to accept from others (in cash or in kind) for sex.
Prostitution just takes out the 'middle man'. No need for formalities, pretending that you like the person, or are interested in something more than a one-night stand. There's nothing wrong with that. Allow people to do with their bodies what they wish. If someone is willing to accept cash for sex, allow them to do it. If someone is willing to pay another for sex, allow them to do it.
The Netherlands has a wonderful way of dealing with prostitution. The prostitutes are licensed, undergo STD/HIV/AIDS testing, are required to use condoms, and the $$ they make is taxable. There is even a prostitutes Union...."THe Red Thread" union or something like that.
By mandatory testing for STD/HIV/AIDS, the STD/HIV/AIDS rates are dramatically lower in the netherlands than in other countries. They are providing a safe, legal way for these women to make money in the way that they choose.
I have known several prostitutes. They ranged from drug-addicted street walkers who began this endeavor at young ages, after being thrown out of their homes or running away. It was a method of street-survival for them.
I have also known professional women who are high-end "escorts" who charge several HUNDREDS of dollars for straight sex. They make upwards of $300k a year--all of it tax-free. They work when they want, do not have pimps, and are 'independent contractors'. They have college degrees and many of them even have their master's degree. They are professional in every sense of the word, and they certainly are making a killing, seeing as 100% of their income is totally unreported to the government and no taxes are taken from it.
Allow consenting adults to do what they wish with their bodies. Give them licenses, test them frequently, and remove the criminal element (pimps) from the equation and tax the money they make. You will have lower STD/HIV/AIDS rates among prostitutes, you will have BILLIONS of dollars in extra tax revenue, and all of that money can be spent for drug treatment and detox programs for prostitutes and others alike who wish to rid their lives of addiction---something that is not free or even cheap or even readily available in this country.