What you think, please.
Dear Mr. Matthews:
I am growing more and more outraged by your coverage of this President and his administration's failures regarding Hurricane katrina. So much so, that I am no longer going to watch your program. A list:
1. You continue to blame the Governor of Louisiana for her lack of response, saying that she did not return phone calls from the White House. Not true. The White House and in particular, President Bush, did not return her phone calls. Although, he made sure to keep in contact with Haley Barbour of Mississippi. Could it be because Haley Barbour is a Republican? Is President Bush guilty of putting party ahead of country? Governor Blanco declared a state of emergency before the storm hit on August 26. The President did the same on August 27. With that declaration, the federal government was responsible to act on behalf of the state of Louisiana. The fact that it did not happen as it should have is a deriliction of duty and the President is solely responsible. Why do you think it is your job to find ways to excuse him? And why should anyone, especially a journalist, worry about whether or not he can reverse his sagging poll numbers? Who cares whether he can or not? The good people of Louisiana and Mississippi, I can assure you are not worried about the President's poll numbers. They have other, more pressing things on their minds.
2. You should read the federal memo
http://www.dhs.gov/interweb/assetlibrary/NRP(underscore)FullText.pdf. It might give you an even clearer understanding of where the responsibility for this catastrophe lies. Do you research, please. Isn't that a part of journalistic integrity?
3. You call yourself a journalist. Well, I have yet to see you do anything more than spout the administration's talking points. Why don't you actually do some journalism and report on the sweetheart deals the administration is handing out to Halliburton and to the Shaw Group. Joe Allbaugh, the head of the Shaw Group and the former head of FEMA, decimated that organization, callling it a huge entitlement program. And now, he is profiting from the destruction of a city who depended on FEMA to get it right.
4. I have watched you for several years, even through your seeming unwillingness to cut President Clinton a break. I guess you don't like anyone in office who lies to the American people. Okay, Clinton lied about consensual sex. But this President has lied about many things, most notably about the war in Iraq and yet, you defend him at every turn. I get the feeling that you are too well connected to this administration to criticize them or investigate them in any meaningful way.
Do the country a favor, stop referring to yourself as a "top journalist" and admit what you are, a shill for this President and his corrupt administration. Go on their payroll and get it over with. In the meantime, I will no longer be tuning in.
A former viewer,