I'm sooooo sick of this shit. MSM commentators et al, the last several days, suggesting various ways Bush can regain his "stature" as a leader etc. (something he never had in the first place). I'm sick and friggin' tired of it. Rehabilitating the image of this man is not the job of the MSM. It's kind of like they are the soft-hearted high school teacher, grasping for a way to nudge their ne'er-do-well, perennially flunking student to higher achievement. Johnny Do-no-homework-and-party-all-the-time is in danger of repeating 11th grade if he doesn't pass his finals. Let's give him the answers, or at least some of them, so he doesn't get held back.
And tonight's big speech from New Orleans is being trumpeted by all of the talking heads as a so-called "make or break" moment for the Chimp. Sorry, Dubbya, but that ship has already sailed. Looooooong ago.
"Bullhorn" moment??
Bullshit moment is more like it.
And just the latest installment.:puke: