Hello Everyone, If you're referring to the speech that President Bush just made over National Media. I just heard it on the radio and it sounds like he's trying to call all the shots just so that he can hog some publicity from the people. That's not going to happen anytime soon though because to be quite honest the situation is so terrible down in New Orleans that it's going to take alot more than the Federal Government and his f**king republican cronies to fix this problem. FEMA already messed up and prevented us from doing hundreds of things that could have helped people during the rescue mission, and tons of people have already died from being left behind because Bush didn't take action fast enough to rescue everybody from the Hurricane. It's just another one of his grand speeches to try to patch up his terrible reputation, and what's evern worse is that people are falling for this trash time and time again. Bush honestly doesn't know what it takes to run a country if he knew what to do he would not have gone on vacation before the hurricane hit New Orleans and he would not have done a million dumb things to make this country as crappy as it already is. I hope to hear from you soon,good luck in all you do.
Signed, Greg