Edited on Thu Sep-15-05 08:58 PM by meganmonkey
THis is from their big thread about the speech:
What the hell does that mean? I'll tell you what it means. Give my money to everybody else.
More like STEAL my money, my children's money and my grandchildren's money. Bush is treating this like reparations without the nationwide impact. He's swallowed whole the idea "racism" is why the people in New Orleans have so many impoverished persons. This speech is a *mess* and it won't do ONE GOOD THING to improve 'race relations'. He's pandering. Pandering!!
--------- check out this tirade: Bend over folks and prepare to grab your ankles, it is "pander to the poor, screaming black folks" time. The president is trying to bribe the black caucus into loving him and voting Republican. He has yet to learn the lesson that Rush so aptly stated yesterday; no matter how much you give these people, it will NEVER be enough! Americans have generously opened up our hearts and pocketbooks to help without any stipulation as to who is to receive the funds, black, white, yellow, purple it did not matter. Nearly a BILLION dollars has been raised, our church alone has raised and donated over $11,000 for relief efforts in less than two weeks. Over 3 TRILLION dollars have been spent on the “War on Poverty” and what have we got to show for it? Frankly; many of us have had it; the screaming ungrateful, ENTITLED masses from N.O. yelling "where is OUR stuff?” “you are not dong enough to help,” whites hate blacks," "Bush wants to kill black people," "Bush blew up the levy," "there is no equality in America," "Americans are racists," etc..., This tears it, they have killed the goose that lays the golden eggs. Given the ongoing, never-ending statements, complaints, actions and attitudes of the overwhelming majority of these people; all I can say is they have received all they are going to get from many of us and frankly, their ungrateful, unthankful, disgraceful race baiting, hateful actions and rhetoric has set race relations back decades.
Tonight the President proclaimed that the government is going to throw hundreds of billions of dollars at the problem and this wealth will just end up in the corrupt hands and control of the politicians and people responsible for the problem to begin with; instead of laying the blame where it rightly belongs and entrusting the reconstruction into the hands of those capable of honestly/faithfully dealing with the problem:
1) Those who willingly and steadfastly refused to leave in spite of the fact they were warned DAYS IN ADVANCE that a category 5 hurricane was heading straight for them.
2) The Mayor of N.O., incompetent mayor Nagin who, during the disaster, never lifted a finger to get the old, poor and disabled out by using the fleets of busses readily at his disposal which now lie under feet of water, useless, like this black mayor who has now set up cushy new digs for himself in Texas.
3 Blanko, the governor of LA; a woman so inept, she failed to take coordinated action and sat on her hands while her state fell apart around her and who, for over 24 hours, could not make up her mind as to accepting or refusing the offer to help from the President of the United States.
These are the people who are to blame; the democratic black mayor and the democratic woman governor; not President Bush and NOT me, my family and the rest of America! However, instead of dealing with the TRUTH and holding those responsible accountable; because the race card has been and is being played, WE are going to be held responsible for the sheer stupidity of others; WE and our children’s children are going to be made to pay, and pay, and pay in order to placate them and rebuild N.O. a city that is surrounded by water and up to 25 feet below sea level! Not only that, the President is going to give the supervision of the BILLIONS of dollars of construction and supervision into the hands of mayor Nagin and govenor Blanko. The result will be; BILLIONS down the toilet.
(I'll add more...)