Edited on Thu Sep-15-05 10:43 PM by cssmall
Wahoo lets go git them libruls. . .
Hay why did Bush sound like a faglovin pansyass bledin hart
cuz he's a pussy.
What's on the minds of the base of Bush? Hm. You know, I've never seen a conservative completely jump his ticket in one night, but fuck, he did it. . . I wonder if C-SPAN will put up an I next to his name next time they show his party affliation. Did they kick him out? If so, did I miss the boat? Otherwise. . . I'm gonna go eat me some popcorn.
To: dc-seabee
Speech was well delivered, but here is the "Cliff Notes" version:
We are going to learn from this disaster.
There is a history of racism
We are going to fix all the problems by throwing truckloads of money at them.
And we are going to push for affirmative action - adding in preferences for refugees.
2 posted on 09/15/2005 6:52:47 PM PDT by TheBattman (Islam (and liberalism)- the cult of Satan)
To: aft_lizard As all of us saw on television, there is also some deep, persistent poverty in this region as well. And that poverty has roots in a history of racial discrimination, which cut off generations from the opportunity of America.
This is the biggest piece of Bu77sh!t I've ever heard !!!
Poverty if the child of ignorance.. as long as the black community holds athleticism over education this trend will continue.
As a high school teacher in South Carolina I can assure you that this IS the case.
More that once IN MY CLASS.. when a BLACK student tried to participate by asking a question, answering a question, or other wise trying TO LEARN they were admonished by another BLACK by " STOP ACTING WHITE". As long as the black community keeps it head in the sand to this SELFINFLICTED RACEISM.. Poverty, ignorance, teen/child pregnancy/black on black crime, drug use, and general shiftlessness will haunt them as eternal victims.
If I'm a RACEST because of these thoughts , then so be it ... I'm damn well tired of being used as an excuse for others lack of vision/ideals.. Sorry GWB I won't be saddled with the title of a racist for your political atonement.. I'm looking for another political party.. I've had enough of this BS 36 posted on 09/15/2005 7:32:55 PM PDT by Robe (Rome did not create a great empire by talking, they did it by killing all those who opposed them)
(note that this personally sickens me that this person deserves a teaching listen for her damn sig line.)