The Bush military strategists envisioned going into Baghdad the same way they went into Kabul. Cut off the head and the body would die. By capturing the capital city, they could pretend they had captured the entire country. Unfortunately, it did not go as planned in Baghdad.
Now we have troops on the perimeters of several cities in and around Bagdad and, with the Iraqi Governing Council, we are attempting to set up a "central government" just like in Washington, DC. That is the ideal for these Republicans now in charge.
However, many of the Iraqi communities are now governing themselves without any central control from Baghdad. They have re-opened their hospitals and their schools, which closed during the invasion. In a few instances, the American troops have gone in and helped paint and refurbish the schools as part of the PR campaign for the illiterate American media.
In a matter of months, perhaps weeks, the American troops will be forced to withdraw from their present positions in Baghdad and surrounding cities, simply because we no longer have the manpower to replenish GIs leaving that God-forsaken adventure. In so doing, American casualties will drop and the cities will be left to govern themselves. Both sides will profit from the decision.
As usual, George W Bush and the Repubs will attempt to take credit for the progress that has taken place in Iraq. However, the credit should go to the Iraqis that decided to govern themselves and kept the American invaders out of their towns. This is a news story of the future and will self-destruct and disappear in about 5 minutes...