Dear BuzzFlash:
Thought you might interested to know that Ollie North will be addressing the Southern Medical Association on November 10 in San Antonio. This will be the organization's "99th Annual Scientific Assembly." His keynote address will be titled "America in the New Millennium." According to the advance program, North will be "assessing the United States' role in the world -- militarily, economically, and politically."
(Afterward, attending physicians can vie for cash prizes by guessing how many mini-strokes North has suffered.)
On November 11, the "3rd Annual Major General Walter John Giller Jr., MD Memorial Lecture on Military Medicine" (sic) will be given by a bioterrorism expert from Israel. On November 13, Morton Kondracke will be the featured speaker at a symposium titled "Ethical Dilemmas in the Everyday Practice of Medicine." It's about time Morton finally opened up.
On November 14, Laura Bush will explain how her husband comes up with such clever nicknames for each BM. Humph, never knew he did that. You can find out more about the meeting at
Dean Glaze
Austin, TX
we all know that where ever Ollie goes dirty work is being done.
why would the Southern Medical Association want to hear from Ollie. I'm mystified.