The major thesis of conservatism is that private enterprise can do a better job than government. How many times has this been disproved in our very recent past? Private enterprise as a substitute for government works only in a very limited sense for the connected few who profit from the enterprise at the expense of the people as a whole. Like:
ENRON gaming the free market in utilities Countless companies screwing their employees with their pensions The insanity of the cost of healthcare Ditto the cost of Education
I have always felt that the really BIG stuff should be part of government: Defense, Utilities, Healthcare, Transportation, Environment, Natural Resources, Social Safety Net (SS, Medicare, Disability, etc.) are my big 7. I waffle on Education.
One thing the war in Iraq and Katrina have informed me about - the ZILLIONS of dollars the average citizens of this country contribute for the profligate squandering of those in charge whose ONLY concern is the feathering of their own nests and the nests of their family. You and I look like we have mange because our feathers are in other nests.