Hey George - There is video of you being briefed on the severity of the approaching storm on Sunday August 28. Your own WH released the photo. I have seen video excerpts of this Sunday briefing on CNN hosted by Paula Zahn tonight, and last night on Ted Koppel hosted Primetime.
The video must have been released to the press by the WH. I want to see the ENTIRE FOOTAGE. I want to know EXACTLY WHAT THE PRESIDENT KNEW AND WHEN HE KNEW IT.

Sun Aug-28-05
U.S. President George W. Bush is handed a map by Deputy Chief of Staff Joe Hagin (R) during a video teleconference with federal and state emergency management organizations on hurricane Katrina from his Crawford, Texas ranch on August 28, 2005. Bush on Monday approved major disaster declarations for the states of Louisiana and Mississippi, clearing the way for the use of federal money to help respond to Hurricane Katrina, the White House said. (Paul Morse/The White House/Reuters)

AP - Fri Sep 16, 2:52 PM ET
Max Mayfield, director of the National Hurricane Center, checks on the progress of Hurricane Ophelia on a monitor Thursday, Sept. 15, 2005, in Miami. The National Weather Service and the National Hurricane Center forecast the path of Hurricane Katrina and the potential for devastation with remarkable accuracy calling into question claims by President Bush and others in his administration that Katrina was a catastrophe that no one envisioned. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)
For example, Bush told ABC on Sep. 1 that “I don’t think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees.” In its storm warnings, the hurricane center never used the word “breached.” But a day before Katrina came ashore Aug. 29, the agency warned in capital letters: “SOME LEVEES IN THE GREATER NEW ORLEANS AREA COULD BE OVERTOPPED.”
National Hurricane Center Director Max Mayfield also gave daily pre-storm videoconference briefings to federal officials in Washington, warning them of a nightmare scenario of New Orleans’ levees not holding, winds smashing windows in high-rise buildings and flooding wiping out large swaths of the Gulf Coast.
A photo on the White House Web site shows Bush in Crawford, Texas, watching Mayfield give a briefing on Aug. 28, a day before Katrina smashed ashore with 145-mph winds.