The Supreme Court already said that religious clubs must have the same standing as non-religious clubs.
So let's say you're a Baptist and your life won't be complete if you don't pray with all of your friends for half an hour before first bell. I have no problem with you doing that. Set up a Jesus and Friends club, pull out your Bibles, read Scripture for half an hour. Even have sermons. Why, I don't even mind if you put up flyers and even pass out Chick Tracts! The people who believe in God As Chick Sees Him will be pleased and relieved, and the rest of the student body will have something fun to read because Chick Tracts are good for people of all spiritual preferences--for some as Biblical Truth, for others as comic relief.
Coerced prayer, which is what the fundies really want, is where I draw the line. I mean yeah, you could come up with a prayer that won't piss anyone off--but to do it you're gonna have to look straight ahead, close your eyes and reverently mouth the words "thank you for another day." Anything else and you're going to upset either the Catholics, normal Protestants, fundies, Baptists, Pentecostals, Chick theologians, those who follow Pat Robertson, anyone who uses the special Westboro Baptist Church Edition of the Bible (which consists of an index card that has Leviticus 18:22 written on it), Jews in four different flavors, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindi, ancestor worshippers, idol worshippers, Satan worshippers, Wiccans, non-Wiccan Pagans, Scientologists, followers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster...you get the idea.