Maybe they need their names etched on a stone monuement on walkway mall in DC. Bilderbergers
From The Spotlight, May 10, 1993
Cowardice of Media Obvious
Who's afraid of the Bilderbergers? You decide.
By Lawrence Wilmot
New York City--Mainstream news organizations boastful about their no-holds barred investigative exploits, have been strangely reluctant to lift the blackout curtain hiding a major event: the Bilderberg group's secret annual meeting for the world's most powerful financiers, industrialists, and political figures.
At the United Nations where 50 or more journalists gather for even a routine conference, there was ironic laughter in the press room when this populist newspaper's diplomatic correspondent raised a question about the silence surrounding this conspiratorial conclave.
"The Bilderbergers have been removed from our assignment list years ago by executive order," said Anthony Holder, a former UN correspondent for the
Economist, the leading international business weekly.
"Our policy seems to be that if the Bilderbergers want to parley in private, leave them alone," added Holder, now a reporter for the 'European'.
The reason why this imperious assembly should be granted the sort of secrecy for its deliberations the mass media would never accord to any government--not even to Europe's reigning royalty--was, in the consensus of UN correspondents, simple: "The Bilderbergers are too powerful and omnipresent to be exposed," as French broadcaster Thierry de Segonzac put it.
(snip)(a little way down)
07Jun02 - Bilderberg 2002 official Press Release and participant list
31 May 2002
The 50th Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Chantilly, Virginia, U.S.A., 30 May-2 June 2002. Among other subjects the Conference will discuss Terrorism, Trade, Post Crisis Reconstruction, Middle East, Civil Liberties, US Foreign Policy, Extreme Right, World Economy, Corporate Governance.
Approximately 120 participants from North America and Europe will attend the discussions. The meeting is private in order to encourage frank and open discussion.
A long list is here, Cheers?
ON edit: Maybe you might be intererested in this thread
Jekl (24 posts) Thu Jul-10-03 10:25 AM
Original message
Being Googled
Over the past year I have been doing research on a particurly sensitive subject using Google as my main search avenue.
I have noticed when I research the same subject now on Google that most of the information is not showing although I can find it using other search engines.