Edited on Mon Oct-06-03 09:49 PM by elad
My favorite editor slipped one by me in August. I missed this one when it was published. This guy has it made...he lives in a town of about 20,000....his is the only paper in town, so he prints exactly what he wants. I write him constantly, but for some reason he never posts my letters in the editorial column...:)
How these people think that the Clinton years were worse than the 12 before, or the 3 since is beyond me.
The Clinton library knick-knack globe 08/27/03 Chris Rimel Respond to this story Email this story to a friend
Call it a bane or a perk, but those of us in the news business are deluged with propaganda and public relations items almost every day. Some are worthwhile, but by and large it’s junk.
Companies spend millions on pretty envelopes and plastic thingamajigs to gain your attention. And you know, it works. When I get something shiny and bright I give it to someone I know with children who would enjoy it. I’m not sure that’s what the PR firm was aiming for, but at least someone is paying attention.
This week in the mail I received a cardboard box, about half the size of a shoe box, with a couple stickers on it. The first read: “Arkansas, the Natural State.” The second: “Clinton Presidential Center, Opening Fall 2004 Little Rock River Marker.”
Now, readers, you know I am no fan of Bill Clinton. And it’s laughable that this liar will have a library dedicated to the memory of the disgraceful eight years he soiled during his terms as president. Does anyone think that as much hiding, obfuscation and flat-out lying that occurred during that time, the Clintons would allow a library containing the truth? After all, libraries are a place or learning and the truth is a wee bit essential for learning.
Chris Rimel is publisher of the Dyersburg News and co-publisher and editor of the State Gazette. He may be reached at crimel@stategazette.com