Heros, every one. Thank you all. They were out there before the wind even stopped blowing. They were amazing. The Coast Guard knew what to do, and just did it. :toast:
I like Admiral Thad Allen too, he is one of "us" (reality based thinking human being) Working class background, community college, fireman, paramedic, and apparently EARNED every promotion up the ladder.
http://www.klas-tv.com/Global/story.asp?S=3862643&nav=168YCoast Guard crews alone saved lives of nearly 65-hundred Katrina flood victims.
NEW ORLEANS The Coast Guard has released numbers which partially explain why the death toll in New Orleans from Hurricane Katrina has been lower than expected.
The Coast Guard says that during its first week of operations in New Orleans, it saved the lives of nearly 65-hundred people. Officials say almost five-thousand of those rescues were by hoist in areas where the water was just too deep or dangerous for the Coast Guard to come in by boat.
All of those lives were saved by the crews of just 17 helicopters, during 15-hundred flight hours in the air.
The numbers released today cover Coast Guard operations which ended September 10th