Edited on Sat Sep-17-05 02:14 PM by dutchdemocrat
Harper's Index for August 2005 Number of new U.S. soldiers the Army would need in 2006 to replenish ranks abroad : 80,000
Percentage of this goal it expects to meet : 9.9%
Percentage change since 1996 in the average recruitment cost per new U.S. soldier : +84
Number of killed or captured suspects reported so far by U.S. media to be Al Qaeda’s “number 3” man : 4
Minimum number of people convicted on “terrorism-related charges” since 2001, according to Alberto Gonzales in April : 200
Actual number convicted on charges related to terrorism or national security : 39 (see page 48)
Number of Iraqi troops that have been “trained and equipped,” according to President Bush in April : 150,000
Number that the U.S. military considers ready to deploy independently : 1,500
Number of members of the Iraqi parliament who worship not only Muhammad but a fallen angel named Lucifer : 3
Acres in Israel to which a born-again Christian from Texas bought oil-exploration rights in 2000 : 96,000
Chapter and verse of Deuteronomy that he says predicts his success, because of the phrase, “let him dip his foot in oil” : 33:24
Number of Palestinian communities that will be surrounded by the new Israel security fence on at least three sides : 53'Tselem (Jerusalem)]
Chance that a German says Israel’s treatment of Palestinians is the same “in principle” as how Nazis treated Jews : 1 in 2
Factor by which the unemployment rate among Jewish immigrants to Germany exceeds the national average : 3.5
Percentage of Germans who say, about the Nazi era, that “one should not always poke around in old wounds” : 60
Selling price in June for a bar of soap allegedly made from the liposuctioned fat of Silvio Berlusconi : $18,000
Number of Pepsi products plainly visible in a May TV ad for Arnold Schwarzenegger : 5
Ratio of the projected U.S. ad revenue of Google and Yahoo! this year to that of NBC, CBS, and ABC in primetime : 1:1
Amount that the Catholic Church spent in Britain this summer advertising for new priests on bar coasters : $1,100
Number of New Orleans bars visited this spring by an undercover team investigating racial discrimination : 40 Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center (New Orleans)]
Percentage of the bars that charged black customers more than white customers : 40
Amount recouped by the U.S. government in institutional fraud cases since 1986 : $8,000,000,000
Amount that whistleblowers received as a cut of this : $1,300,000,000
Chance that a U.S. company monitors the emails of at least some employees : 1 in 3
Chance that it has fired an employee for violation of email policies : 1 in 4
Factor by which the expulsion rate in U.S. preschools last year exceeded the rate in grades grade 12 : 3
Average amount of sugar consumed each year by a U.S. preschooler, expressed as a percentage of body weight : 149
Estimated total number of tons by which American adults are overweight : 1,180,000
Total weight, in tons, of the population of the Los Angeles metropolitan area : 883,000
Number of U.S. cities that have agreed to meet the Kyoto Protocols on global warming : 166
Average number of times each day that aircrafts intrude into D.C.-area restricted flight zones : 2
Days it took a Nepali Sherpa in May to crawl the length of Manhattan : 6
Fine levied last year on a restaurant in southwest China for serving sushi atop naked women : $242
Percentage of the world’s cell phone users who say they have interrupted sex to answer a call : 14
Percentage of newlywed couples who report having had a physically violent fight in the year before marriage : 37
Number of Viagra users who have reported becoming blind from the drug : 38
Number of corpses shipped on Delta Air Lines last year : 42,175
Amount that Northwest Airlines expects to save each year by eliminating free magazines on flights : $565,000
Amount by eliminating free pretzels : $2,000,000