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is there no room for Good-bye? or any place for those who

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Bluerthanblue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-17-05 03:58 PM
Original message
is there no room for Good-bye? or any place for those who
need some 'uplifting' on this site?

Then FUCK YOU- and I mean that with all the force I can muster.
I believe WE the party of the people, SHOULD care that someone feels discouraged, or overwhelmed, or maybe even defeated enough to leave their home and give up. Without meeting them with hate.

What the HELL are WE??? If people are sick of 'I'm leaving' posts, then don't open them- No one is forcing you to- I personally CHOOSE to, because I know how it feels to be discouraged, to feel alone, hopeless and disconnected from others who share a common goal, and understand the frustration, and need for encouragement, or a kind word, or a reminder that what we hold dear IS worth fighting for- And I have often FOUND that here, just when I needed it. Should I not be ready to offer the same to anyone who needs??

When I read the hateful 'don't let the door hit you on your way out' or 'piss on our graves' shit, being flung around here, it makes me double think about whether I'm in a group of people I would choose to associate with, or whether, people who respond in such a manner are doing so, because THEY feel like quitting, and just can't find any more compassion in themselves.

What ARE we FIGHTING FOR??- if it's don't ask me I don't give a damn except for my own 'pet agenda' then please folks, let me know- cause I'm wasting my time here.

I want to be part of a movement where EVERYONE counts- Even those who are tired, discouraged, angry, frustrated, excited, passionate- you name it- BELONG. Where there is no 'oath' or with "us" or "against us" mentality- A place where, as RFKjrs. speech posted here today reminds us, that in America there really AREN'T many republicans, only democrats who are being fooled into thinking they are repubs.-

I want to know that what we fight against isn't the human-fallibility in each one of us- like discouragement, weariness, doubt, and discouragement, but rather the FALSE FACES- the lies that people 'put on' to pretend, they are never wrong, never tired, never wonder if what they embrace it the 'best position'.

If there isn't room for compassion here at DU, then there is no room for me- I don't want to 'talk' a different path, I want to be a part of living it. And YES, I've often voiced my discouragement here, because letting it out, and having others say "I've felt that way too," or "take a break, and come back," or "maybe if you look at it like this".... are what builds community.

If it's 'up-beat' and 'with me or fuck you' only here- PLEASE let me know, and I'll quietly slip away.... no fanfare... cause I'm very clearly in the wrong family- but I refuse to believe that this party is like that at heart.... maybe I'm sadly deluded.

I'm old enough to recall that song

"So won't you call on me brother, when you need a friend,
we all need somebody to LEeeaaan ON-
Lean on Me when your not strong, and you need a friend,
someone to carry on, ....."

Honesty is one of the most VALUABLE virtues- especially when that honesty doesn't make you 'look very good'- If this place doesn't have room for that, then burn me up.... with your words of fire- I'm pretty ignitable lately anyway..

no PITY wanted or asked for- but .... community?... connection..?... .. that is essential...if we don't have that we have nothing.

i desire
Peace, and comfort

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cssmall Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-17-05 04:03 PM
Response to Original message
1. Actually, I get pretty tired of writing, wanting to talk to someone
because my wife isn't home or something like that. I understand exactly why people get pissed off, discouraged or upset. I understand that people with high post counts are tired and burnt out or something of the like. But, people with mid-thread counts get tired of always being ignored, I know I am. So, I understand why people want to leave. Sometimes, I feel like I could do something more constructive with my time, instead of giving these ideas here and trying to figure out how we as a party will suceed with our message or just get to do some thinking, instead of droning out. If I want to relax, I'll go paint models or play video games.
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Team44Car Donating Member (114 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-17-05 04:04 PM
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2. do you think Michael Johnson and Bill Withers sound alike?
You know, Bluer Than Blue and Lean On Me.
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knowbody0 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-17-05 04:04 PM
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3. wise words, blu
these are tough times, we are all hungry for peace and comfort along with truth. but the truth is often ugly, and we have all watched as our brothers and sisters died of thirst in the most powerful nation on earth. we have learned that our votes do not count and that we are absolutely disposable to this nation we pledge our allegiance to. now is the time for all of us to accept these truths and defend the powerless and hopeless amongst us.
peace and love
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existentialist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-17-05 04:06 PM
Response to Original message
4. Relax, and check out the lounge,
I believe you have more friends here than you know. If you want to find some please check out the lounge.

The postings there may not be especially deep, but I always find them friendly and concerned, and most welcome for a sometimes discouraged Democrat.

This assumes you can take a bit of rough humor, but I truly believe I discern the a lot of people really care.
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cssmall Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-17-05 04:19 PM
Response to Reply #4
7. Yeah, but it's been like high school in there lately.
All these little cliques running around, I all ready feel sapped from parenting, school work and politics, and sometimes, I just want someone to say hi, or at least say, you know, that post sounds good. So, I completely understand why people get tired of being here.
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Seansky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-17-05 04:06 PM
Response to Original message
5. sorry, but I understand there is more behind this
than us against them attitude from our part (as you seem to point out). We are all discouraged in many ways, but those that abandon (or are kicked off from) the communication and exchange of ideas table discourage us even least me.

Yes, as I said earlier, the reason why I joined was that this site seemed to be the best platform I found (I'm an independent) to express opinion, frustrations, and share info and so on in a fair manner (based on the rules).

If we didn't believe in peace, seems to me, we wouldn't be reading and riding posts here. Any you are right, we should ignore the farewell posts if we didn't care for them. But the thing is, we care, and if someone abandon the table, we care even more...and that is were our reactions are coming from, in my opinion...
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MuseRider Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-17-05 04:17 PM
Response to Original message
6. You have been here
a long time to not be able to answer those questions. Sure there are times I get so pissed off at someone that I leave for a bit but mostly this site is just what you make of it. If you come in and can't defend something then you learn how to do it or you leave to return after you have learned it.

I have experienced tremendous compassion here and given it. Some are not so good at it and some are the best I have ever seen. They got me through some really hard times but you have to be able to take the good with the bad.

I guess I don't get it. We are just people after all and some of us are going to be upset or happy at any given time and you have to expect that some are just going to feel like pissing you off sometimes. Life is difficult right now and just like you we all need to be able to let it off sometimes. I find it hard to believe you don't see that here enough to not understand it. :shrug:

I'm sorry you feel this way. I just got boosted out of the doldrums by someone who prodded me to look deeply into some issues I did not want to bring back up. I guess my take is colored by that at the moment.
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gollygee Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-17-05 04:22 PM
Response to Original message
8. If someone posts that they need some uplifting
it'll probably go over better than posting that they're leaving.

If people are leaving, why don't they just leave? Why do they feel a need to tell us? Theoretically, they won't even see what people say because they've left.
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Moderator DU Moderator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-17-05 04:29 PM
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9. Locked.
Thanks for your consideration.
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