Hell, I first went fishing when I was four(and damn near fell out of the boat bringing in my first fish), and was eight years old when I first went out hunting with a twenty-two. Worked up to a twelve guage shotgun for bird hunting, and was ten when I first went after deer. It used to be routine for kids, especially in rural areas, to be hunting before they were ten.
We ate what we killed, and quite frankly given our financial situation, we needed the food income that came from hunting and fishing. And given that this was in the sixties and seventies, the heyday of adding massive steroid doses to cattle, hog and chicken feed, it was probably healthier for our entire family.
I have nothing against this, so long as they eat what they kill. We are experiencing a shortage of hunters, and certain animal populations are becoming a huge problem due to that fact. Deer in our area are a huge problem, eating up gardens, becoming a huge population that is breeding disease and death. Spongeiform encephalytis type diseases(mad cow) are starting to run rampant through the deer population, and probably jumping over to the cattle population, as are West Nile, lyme disease, and various others.
In addition, auto accidents due to deer are on the rise. Since there are no natural predators of deer left, the population has to be thinned somehow. In my state we are re-introducing both the wolf and mountain lion, but it will be decades before their numbers are great enough to make a difference, thus there is a serious need for hunting.
I'm sorry that you find this distasteful, but quite frankly it is a fact of life throughout much of the country. Hunters perform a valuable service in culling out herds, which left unchecked would lead to disaster. Also, for some it is a matter of life and death, since they cannot otherwise make their food budget stretch far enough. Besides, if you are a meat eater, you really have no room to criticise, for at least hunters are being up front and honest about it. They don't have the luxury of hiding behind the meat counter at the local grocery.
And you never know what an early exposure to nature will do to a kid as they grow. I've known several kids who started hunting early(and some that still do hunt) who have gone on to work for various enviromental groups such as Sierra Club, Greepeace and others. Hunting does not put a person above nature, it gets them out in the middle of nature, making them a part of it.
I've always found people like you amusing, decrying hunting between mouthfuls of that tasty tasty burger.