--History Of The Bushco Propaganda-Pult In 21st Century America--
The once savy gunners at Bushco continue to use the same out-dated machine in ther war against reason in this country, the rusting and ineffective Propaganda catapult or "Propoganda-pult" for short. They fling the same useless lies over and over. Hoping that they will chip away at the opposition and make them ever more popular.
Inexplicably, they fail to realize that America had become immune to the "Rove Machine" as they usually refer to it down at Bushco corporate headquarters. It no longer effectively brainwashes this country with its endless barrage of distortion and outright lies.
Their own actions have made it so. In "pre-Katrina" days the catapult took aim at a great many targets with great success. Master gunners Karl Rove and Dick Cheney, along with their lieutenants, Rush "Pigster" Limbaugh, Robert "Spin Machine" Novak, Sean "Franken Freeper" Hannity, knocked down the walls of reason in this country fro a long time.
The onslaught of fear-mongering, saber-rattling, and character assasination, beat the people down. Many so beaten, crawled to their enemies to protect them from the many bogeymen that their cunning enemy had itself created and amplified.
However as the years have rolled by, "the machine" and its masters have proved themselves unwilling or unable to make good on the propaganda payload that they has so effectively.
--Their tax cuts failed to save the economy and were the first step in building a 488 billion dollar a year budget deficit.
--Osama Bin Laden was not "brought to justice". More than 4 years have passed and not a word since he slipped easily of the "Tightening noose" in Tora Bora.
--Afghanistan was not cleansed of the Taliban or their terrorist allies. They remain largely in control of the country outside of the capital.
--Afghanistan has been largely abandoned and not rebuilt as America "leaders" swore would happen, "draining the swamp" they said. The infrastructure remains in ruins.
--Our troops were not greeted with flowers as liberators in Iraq as Bushco has promised. Instead they were met by a growing insurgency. The "Machine" tells us day after day that the spikes in violence are "predicted" precursors to this "Hopeful upcoming event" or another. Never so we see the predicted decrease in violence and increase in stability.
--Saddam turned out to be completely truthful in his declarations to the world community that he did not harbor WMD, despite the catapulted 5,000 "Smoking Gun Mushroom Cloud" lie.
These and a great many other lies proved to be false...With the actions of the corporatocracy not living up to the expectations created by their propaganda-pult, the new lies began to miss their mark allowing Americans to rebuild the defenses and begin to return sanity and reason to our actions.
Poll numbers dropping and weakened, the gunners were completely outflanked by a mean bitch called Katrina. She pounded them with hurricane force winds and sank them up to their necks in the putrid waters and floating bodies, that their propaganda was powerless to stop. Their actions or rather lack there of galvanized America in the knowledge that the propaganda-pult will never again breech the walls or levees again.
The gunners continue to fire away but their lies do nothing but bounce off now. Each lie backfiring and further damaging "The Machine". Some underlings like "Spin Machine" Novak took fire and fell. But, many still remain. They become less combat capable with each passing day.
They and their catapult are dinosaurs. Made extinct by their own endless excess and propaganda....