I've wondered if we could find a way to bring together in a consortium all the leaders who are now fighting the fight. Sit them all in a room and present a public discussion on live television, the issues that now face our country and our world. Off the top, a few contributers to start with might be: Wes Clark, Dennis Kucinch, John Conyers, Edward Kennedy, Robert Kennedy Jr., Al Gore, The entire Black Caucus, Robert Byrd, Hugo Chavez, and George Galloway (and any courageous Republicans who have had enough).
These are just a few people who have already publicly spoken truth to power. They have nothing to lose by coming together in a public consortium and delivering an in-depth examination of the situation and our options as a nation.
We could also send a DU delegation from each state. And since no one's running for anything here, this wouldn't have to be all speech making either. There could be panels, interviews, questions from the audience, call-in segments, even cell-phone voting ala American Idol. They could cover the range of issues from many angles, historically, sociologically, politically, religiously, technologically...you get the picture. These are the people who can take America to school on precisely what's going on.
The public consortium/seminar could even be interspersed with home grown contributions like documentary shorts on poverty, peak-oil, Iraq, terrorism, racism, environmental change and so on. A contest could be arranged to encourage the creativity of young film makers who have something to say about the issues.
We don't have to rely on politics and protest alone to win this one. There's always ways to step outside the power game and use that leverage to advantage. So the idea of a televised consortium of all leaders willing to explore the truth openly just fits. I'm sure (C-SPAN) would be obliged to cover it, and you can bet all the press on the planet would be curious as hell about it - included FOX. (The thought of how pathetic their spin would be just makes me chortle with anticpation.)
Do I have any idea how to go about producing such a forum for the public? Nope. I don't know dick. But one thing I've learned being a lazy ass most of my life :-) -- you don't have to be an expert, you just have to catch the imagination of people that are. I see no reason why this couldn't be done with the help of knowledgeable and skilled DUers and friends.
It would be (I think) one step in choosing the bright sustainable future WE envision for everyone in our nation and world. The truth is not political. It isn't up for debate, and America has a right to hear it straight. Maybe people who recognize the urgency of the situation would want to contribute their vision, talent, and clout to some variation of a project like this.
Expose the Bastards, citizen J :patriot: