This comes straight from my group,
Anti-CNPConnections to a Terrorist - Norquist has served as an economic adviser to Angola UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi and was once registered with the United States Department of Justice as a foreign agent of Angola. laundering - Norquist has also been accused of using his various organizations to launder political money for a number of like-minded individuals and groups. See, for example, the scandal involving Oregon's Bill Sizemore, whose political organizations were shut down by a judge after a jury agreed they had engaged in racketeering, in part due to evidence of a money-laundering scheme involving Norquist's Americans for Tax Reform. in the Abramoff-Reed Indian Gambling Scandal - Norquist is a central figure in the scandal arising from lobbying work performed by Jack Abramoff and Ralph Reed on behalf of Indian gambling tribes. Emails released by federal investigators in June 2005 suggest that Norquist facilitated a scheme in which Reed secretly accepted payments from Abramoff to lobby against Indian casino gambling while Abramoff was being paid to promote Indian casino gambling.
Does he know something about the corruption of the Ohio GOP? - During the 2004 election, an audiotape was released of Norquist criticizing Ohio governor Bob Taft at a private gathering of Republicans Abroad. He called Taft "an idiot, stupid, corrupt, dumb rotten Republican Governor ... who has been busy looting the state, raising taxes, lying to the gun owners," and considered him to be a serious liability for the Bush campaign as no Republican has ever won a presidential election without carrying Ohio.