Edited on Sun Sep-18-05 02:53 PM by smartvoter
Okay, in another thread dealing with party leaders -- these four in particular -- the common grip is:
"Where are they?" as if they are AWOL right now.
Clinton: Has been on Larry King twice, This Week, Meet the Press and I don't know what else. Despite his co-fund raising efforts with Senior (which has raised staggering sums for New Orleans relief, BTW), he has been brutal on policy issues and smacked down attempts to dump NO on him, with Bush Sr. right there when he put it right back on the current administration.
Dean: Has been all over creation. He was on CNN with Blitzer and again to deliver a pre-speech rebuttal to Bush's speech. People here provided details of other events I did not personally witness.
Gore: Personally paid for and oversaw the evacuation of people from Charity Hospital, and turned around and gave a blistering speech at the Sierra Club that has since been reprinted in numerous publications.
Kerry: Has introduced badly needed legislation following the mess in New Orleans and provided a brutal smackdown of Bush's speech, saying leadership isn't an 800 number.
And these are all things I have seen myself. I would imagine there's plenty more.
The bottom line:
Do our leaders always do what we want? No. In fact, it's impossible because what one person praises the next disses. But to say they're AWOL right now is simply not true.
Edit: typo