There are many resources for matching rides with riders, so any car should be able to find a full load, and thus distribute gas costs among several people. New York and other large cities usually organize many busses, typically 25 to 35 dollars a person. I suppose anyone in any location can look into renting a large van or chartering a bus with costs split among riders.
Cooperative effort is part of the dynamic, don't be shy!
I will also add that spending an afternoon with a diverse crowd of passionately active people expressing their objection to the criminal behavior of our 'leaders' and their support for peaceful and humane alternatives can really do wonders for one's mental and physical health! I generally end up feeling about 15 years younger in the evening then I did in the morning. Something about expressing your anger and your dreams seems to be good for body and soul! Also, mixing with a crowd of young and old, rich and poor, black white and 50 other shades, north south east and west liberal progressive and radical speaking many languages gives one a sense of what America (and the world) COULD be if we all pulled together.
Come on down!