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I have a big favor to ask re: Katrina and Bush

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hyphenate Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-18-05 04:26 PM
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I have a big favor to ask re: Katrina and Bush
I think everyone has seen the WTC timeline photo of the idiot in chief, sitting in the classroom, while at that exact same time someone was jumping out the window of the WTC, and subsequent photos marking each heartbreaking moment of the tragedy as the asshole just sat there doing nothing.

Has anyone yet seen or done up one for Katrina? I would love to see such an effort done--from the first twenty-four hours before Katrina struck, to significant events that happened during and after it struck, comparing the actions of the administration to what the human beings in New Orleans, Mississippi and other hurricane wracked areas were dealing with at that exact time.

Like, were people trying to find food and water while the asshole was at a fund-raising dinner in San Diego? Like what was happening as the asshole went guitar picking? It's crucial to hit their rhetoric back with THE TRUTH. THE TRUTH needs to be EVERYWHERE. Posters, billboards, flyers for this coming weekend in Washington, D.C., EVERYONE needs to be reminded that ANYTHING that is being done now is NOTHING but spin and afterthought.

If someone has already done something on this, please direct me toward it. If not, I think that it needs to be done now and kept up for the next 18+ months until the 2006 election, and then recalled every single day until 2008. It's going to be a tough three+ years with the Rove machine back in play, but the truth is the truth, and if we're not pushing it back into their faces every single day, every single hour of every single minute, reminding the world of the shit they have done to our country, then we aren't going to be able to save 2008 for democracy either.
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Garbo 2004 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-18-05 05:13 PM
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1. Talking Points Memo site's hurricane katrina timeline may help.
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damntexdem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-18-05 05:17 PM
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2. Cuttin'brush out at the ranch. There may be a goose in there somewhere.
Gotta keep the brush cut back, or it could be a disaster.
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