Edited on Sun Sep-18-05 04:46 PM by nadinbrzezinski
lets see if they finally wake up
Dear Congress woman
There are several points about Katrina but they all seem to come down to one point: Cronyism and a culture of corruption not seen since the Guilded Age. Now what we are seeing is Little Baghdad, with all the big corporations already moving in with no bid contracts... and the locals pushed aside per American Enterprise Institute Plan, and to make the joke on all of us even sweeter, Karl Rove in charge of the 200B.
Speaking of that money, what programs are going to be destroyed? I mean we are already living on the credit card but I guess phase two of the government destruction is now ahead of schedule thanks to Katrina. Oh and need I mention Rove's possible role in outing a CIA agent, which is nothing short of treason? (By the way a real president would have asked for shared sacrifices and gasp, higher taxes)
Then some wonder why people like me have had it, and will not take nothing less than impeachment and the trial of the whole cabal for yes treason. Taking the country to war on false pretenses is a violation of national and international law... and now this so called response, the incompetence was not coincidental. Yes if these were white folks, (I am white and I recognize the racism and classism here) who were middle to upper class, FEMA would have been outstanding, like they were this week in NC. The Counties affected are rather well heeled.
There is a class war going on in this country. These people hate the poor, the disadvantaged and the colored. No doubt in my mind about this any more. Of course what they have also accomplished is the complete lack of trust in all institution, ranging from Government, (A republican goal, after all they hate government) to the media (which has sold out and needs many a monopoly broken, and the Fairness Doctrine needs to come back), to state and local. I know today that if a killer quake hits San Diego, I am on my own. I also know today that voting may be an exercise in futility (electronic computers GEMS database... in case you wonder San Diego County uses the damn database, even if there is a paper trail)
So many Democrats are deluding themselves if they think an election will make a difference. After all, to quote Joseph Stalin, it does not matter who votes, but who counts the votes. At least I have lived in a country likes that, just never thought that the United States would follow that route as well... yes I was naive, as power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
By the way, I am sure you missed the Guardian Article where they noted something interesting, that most of us paying attention already knew. The United States population is united maybe by a flag, but for all intents and purposes has been atomized to quite possibly the point of no return. I have shared this thought with my brother in law, and now I will share them with you... reaching for the Historian's Hat.
1._ I expect a nice hot civil war in this country, or rather the cold civil war to heat up and include bullets soon.. 2.- I don't expect to die in the United States, but to die in any of the three to four successor states that will come after the country breaks apart.
This process may still be reversed, but in order to do such Democrats need to stop looking like Republicans, and Democrats must embrace the people. Look at Kucinich, that is a leader I could follow (ok his 30 second spot needs work but still) The party needs to stop dancing to the Republican dance. You have an opportunity, and yes they will accuse you of politicing Katrina (which I will remind you, they messed up, royally and on purpose)
Now while the break down of the country into successor states may be stopped, what is not going to stop, and this is the REPUBLICAN legacy, is the fact that this country is NO LONGER a super power. By the time they are done, the only people carrying arms in the US will be those damn Mercs from among other places BlackWater, which reminds me... ask yourself, when was the last time Mercs patrolled American Streets? If you said during the American Revolution, give yourself a pat on the back. (Hessian troops to be specific, brought by the Empire to fight us damn Colonials)
Now what is the problem with Mercs? They are loyal to money, they are not loyal to the government, and they will turn at the sign of a better contract. I guess though that if they are ordered to open fire against American Civilians they will do such... the NG, Kent notwithstanding, probably will not, and the same goes for the US Active Duty Component. This brings me to the next item... Posse Comitatus: The Right is chomping at the bit of getting rid of it and increasing the Imperial Powers of the Presidency to the point that we might as well hang this shingle called we the people... for the powers of the President are not consistent with those given by our Founding Fathers. But hey, I know many will say but the military will be able to handle these disasters (Just listen to CNN or FOX) , and to do that they need to have police powers... yep right, that is why Posse was passed to prevent policing by the regular military. As is, the powers of FEMA are quite impressive, of course they only work when FEMA is staffed by professionals, not lackeys (and yes Chertoff must resign as well) .
So yes I tell you right now, what we face is quite possibly a fork on the road, Empire, civil war, dissolution, or the reestablishment of the Republic and an open account of what has been done in our name. You did not choose to serve at this critical time, yet you are my rep in Congress... what will it be Congress Woman, what will it be?