Here are some useful stats about welfare in LA:
The maximum monthly welfare benefit in LA is $240. (Try to imagine living off $240 a month. That's less than $10 a day) Regardless of how many children, the maximum is $240 per month. You also must have children to be eligible to get welfare.
The maximum length of time you can get welfare in LA is 24 out of any 60 month period with a lifetime limit of 60 months (the lifetime 60 month limit is federal and hence in effect in every state. Some states have shorter lifetime limits like Tenn at 18 months, Idaho at 24 months and Utah at 36 months.
Welfare is aka TANF and has a work requirement. Some families are exempt but overall a state has to have something like 60% of all welfare families working in the neighborhood of 30 hours a week. (It gets complicated based on your state's past performance.) That's to get the $240 per month...for a family...for a maximum of 60 months
Welfare accounts for less than 2% of tax dollars. The interest on the national debt is 20% of tax dollars. JUST THE INTEREST.
Most poor people would not be able to stay on welfare for very long and 60 months at most so it's unlikely that very many of those 100,000 in New Orleans survive just off welfare not to mention the work requirement.
Also, crime rates in the United States are higher than in most socialist countries so pinning the amount of crime we saw in New Orleans on welfare is doubtful. In fact Canada which has a very high rate of welfare and extremely nice public housing has one of the lowest crime rates on the planet and almost no violent crime. Canada has a nice mix of Capitalism and Socialism.
Psychologists have found that high stress is the main reason for violent crime something pure Capitalism creates in a dog eat dog society. Their is a feeling that if you can't make it then their is something wrong with you. This creates resentment in the lower classes towards the upper classes. Something you don't see in Europe and Canada. Based on articles like the one from 'Robert Tracinski' Which calls the poor people of New Orleans "parasites" you can see why they have so much resentment for those who were born into middle and upper class families and look down on them.
Remember, helping the poor is mentioned over 2000 times in the Bible and Jesus devoted his life to the poor and less fortunate. I am worried when we start blaming the victims of one of the worst Natural Disasters in American history. WWJD? Would he blame the victims, many of which were raped and killed?
Take a look at table 7 at this site: