Downing Street Memo's and so do I.No doubt our own government has documents/memo's and other incriminating facts that prove the case.The Bush Crime Family allowed 911 in order to "shape public opinion" toward war.They created a new boogie man,Osama bin Laden and a new evil empire which BTW has no root country.It was a bold move 911 it had the desired effect,hell even I supported the idiot son.As the weeks and months passed particularly in Dec.01' Coalition troops reportedly have Osama surrounded inside the mountains of Tora Bora.The Bush Crime Family having extensive relationships with the Bin Ladens must have got a call from Osama,pull back the troops or we'll talk about 911 or we'll unleash the Wahabi's in Saudi Arabia,Osama then escapes into Pakistan and is soon forgotten. I ask,is pulling out 90% of our troops from Afghanistan and sent to Iraq,is that like cutting and running?Didn't catch the alleged leader, left a skeleton crew to pretend to hunt Osama and launched his war based on lies,fixed,forged,faked documents.I applaud Cindy for having the guts to directly put that question to the idiot son. Prior to March 19 2003,I didn't hear Iraqi's crying for help form the West.Despite the oppression of Iraq's people they functioned more freely under Saddam than the US Troops.When I heard that 4 massive military bases are being or may be completed a heartbeat away from the biggest oilfields in Iraq,it becomes evident we there for OIL..Big Oil The cherry on this oil theft is ,"NO MORE SALES IN Euros".All sales now are in the DOLLAR,Phew,said the Crime Family.
My thanks and support for Cindy Sheehan..