When I hear people complaining about "sheeple",I see the effects of long term cocercion at work.
Cocercion like the process of "the way it is" that is imposed on us from cradle to grave by all sorts of bullies,from thugs in business suits who deny us the sustenance of life if we do not work for them and make them rich by our underpaid labor,to the snide critic troll online making a converstation impossible..
Ever look at the way prices and rent costs are kept at a certain range,so that the poor never get out of the cycle of poverty unless we marry into wealth,inherit it,or win the lotto? Ever wonder why we struggle to make ends meet from cradle to grave and have so little in the end? I think the sickest part of all is how we are forced to think this kind of serve or die mentality is NORMAL.So go the extra mile by identifying with the wealthy thugs that profit from our misery and obeyance to thier authoritarian system to the point they call the poor dying and suffering for the wealth of a few rightous.Even when the poor haters are themselves poor.
I hear people complain about how people have such short memories,and they lack attention spans of any length.
Who remembers all the forgotten artocities of the criminal class that has been in power for so long ? Who remembers war is evil enough to not let the "leaders" begin another one? WW2 Iraq we all know it is ugly,yet we do not STOP the warmakers from setting up the common people to die for the wealthy again and again.
Who has the time anymore to read long dry law books or books of history or anthropology just to try to figure out why certain political movements fail to change the way these top down cultures are? Who has the time to question why we live as we do?
Is it because,we'd rather have vast complex ideas put in paragraph sized chunks or a soundbyte?..Is this why socially our thinking has become so shallow and short because we haven't the attention span and concentration stamina to think so long and deeply on one idea..We are so distracted by the inner whir,stress and the TV glare.
We are so scared of our inner emotional pain we constantly fill it up with trivial crap to avoid that deep dispair lurking underneath that we suspect is true...That all is not right in the world and the world is not safe for us.
Looks like alot of Americans cannot cope with other people too different from ourselves ,Is it because we fail to take the time and lack the trust to really know each other? The pain of unfamiliarity is hard to cope with under stress of threat.Instead of socializing in a public arena(which there are none left without a fee) we have to isolate in our homes,or go to clubs where booze and too loud music ensure no intimacy occurs between psyches...we keep ourselves to a small circle of freinds..Or we go on the web we type our deepest feelings ,the ones we cannot tell our closest loved ones,for we are feeling safer with a wall of cyber zeros and ones between us so that we might not have to face each other as real or contradictory vunerable people with real problems ..We forgot we need to learn interpersonal skills and relate to others like human beings..And we wonder why Reality TV was such a profitable idea?Why things are so cold?
Because real reality is so painful.We spend our days running away.
What makes it this way,cocercion from cradle to grave?
A low selflove in the parent desires that his child should repeat his character and fortune. . . . I suffer whenever I see that common sight of a parent or senior imposing his opinion and way of thinking and being on a young soul to which they are totally unfit. Cannot we let people be themselves, and enjoy life in their own way? You are trying to make another you. One's enough.
Lectures and Biographical Sketches
America...You have been abused,and taken advantage of..by the bullies you trust. Sadly 1 in 4 people are a bully. And this culture of cocercion is of thier making.The bullies because they knew hoew to exploit and do not feel guilt made a social rank system to profit from the misery and servitude they inflict upon people with integrity...America is a nation under cocercion.America's cocercion is rendered invisible because it is taught to us as normal life. Ands when cocercion is normal,you have forgotten what freedom is and when you forget what freedom is it is easy for an abuser of trust to convince you to think you are willing victims and that there is no alternative way to live.
http://www.bullyonline.org/workbully/amibeing.htmhttp://www.drirene.com/19_nar.htmThis tells it all ...
The CIA, in its "Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual - 1983" (reprinted in the April 1997 issue of Harper's Magazine), summed up the theory of coercion thus:
"The purpose of all coercive techniques is to induce psychological regression in the subject by bringing a superior outside force to bear on his will to resist. Regression is basically a loss of autonomy, a reversion to an earlier behavioral level. As the subject regresses, his learned personality traits fall away in reverse chronological order. He begins to lose the capacity to carry out the highest creative activities, to deal with complex situations, or to cope with stressful interpersonal relationships or repeated frustrations."
Inevitably, in the aftermath of torture, its victims feel helpless and powerless. This loss of control over one's life and body is manifested physically in impotence, attention deficits, and insomnia. This is often exacerbated by the disbelief many torture victims encounter, especially if they are unable to produce scars, or other "objective" proof of their ordeal. Language cannot communicate such an intensely private experience as pain.