(Posted with permission from a friend.)
I've just received the umpteenth e-mail containing warnings about the dangers posed by victims of Hurricane Katrina. None has basis on first-hand experience, validated or verified information, or contextual significance. All suggest that I "be careful". Think about what you are sending or forwarding -- who it is from and what it really means. What is THEIR agenda?
First, truth matters. Gossip and third-hand accounts are simply not credible. If you remember the "gossip game" we played in school, you should know that by the third telling the original message is changed, and by the end, hopelessly distorted. Why do people who send these missives believe that it's okay to repeat these stories?
Secondly, the contextual significance of information does matter. Is there crime and what was the context, the circumstances under which it occurred? Numbers also have significance: when talking about crime, it is always necessary to examine whether there is statistical significance to numbers reported, e.g. are they more than the norm, or usual in a given locale; are the characteristics of the perpetrators significantly different from the "usual" perpetrators of crime? Why do the people who write these things believe they are qualified to issue warnings about "crime waves" when in fact all they have is questionable anecdotal stories? Why do they repeat these things?
Third, all of the missives contain lines like, "I know all 'these people' aren't criminals, but ..." And "I really sympathize with 'these people', but ..." Words do matter. The presence of the word "but" denies the words preceding it, so what is left after "but" is what the message really is. The term "these people" distances us from who they are: victims of a horrendous nightmare.
Fourth, none of these missives contains any hint of knowledge and understanding about what overwhelming, life-threatening trauma does to human beings. Katrina victims' worlds have been destroyed and the writers are focused on manners and decorum and civilized behavior. How little they know. Perhaps they should ask, "What Would Jesus Do?"
Finally, the warning to "be careful" is a code phrase. What do the writers mean? Avoid people in shelters? Avoid people whose cars have Louisiana license plates? Avoid people enrolling their kids in schools? How will I know of whom to "be careful"? Perhaps the writers believe evacuees should have to wear an armband identifying them to "us". Of more concern to me is that the implicit identifying characteristic may be race. Conversely, if the writers are basing the warning on their assumption (without evidence) that there is a crime wave present, why haven't we heard this from law enforcement agencies and other experts? Have the writers contacted the authorities to verify or allay their fears or to request protection?
If the writers are simply worried that I should be vigilant about protecting myself against crime, why are they voicing the concerns now? Why didn't they say this before Katrina? Obviously, because they do believe there is an increased danger from someone -- although how much, what kind and where the danger happens to be is vague, and the potential criminals aren't identified, except as evacuees from Katrina.
So to you who have written and expressed these things, I say stop it. All that occurs when these things are written is that vague fears are fed, distrust of "strangers" (US citizens, by the way, and human beings like you and I) is excited, attention is shifted away from the tragedies evacuees have suffered, and a mentality of hate, accusation, and blame placed in the forefront. My own suspicion is that racism is at the root of all these stories –- be afraid of and mistrust poor black people. If it is not that, then another explanation is that the story tellers simply don't want to care about victims of tragedy and will use anything to justify their stance. The kindest explanation is that the writers are simply thoughtlessly repeating gossip and stories because they're interesting and titillating. One wonders why they don't repeat stories of loss, physical suffering and emotional devastation as well as appeals for help and compassion. Isn't that the most important story?
If what I've written offends anyone, be aware that I have been offended repeatedly and don't want to hear the hate, fear, ignorance and thoughtlessness any more.