Edited on Mon Sep-19-05 10:12 AM by converted_democrat
Men and women of America are "faking it." The number of "fakers" in this country is astounding. They "fake it" for many different reasons. Some do it for attention, some do it to be like everyone else, some don't even realize they are "faking it." Americans fake patriotism. They put the stickers on their car, they fly their flags on the appropriate holidays, pledge the allegiance, and rave about how "lucky" they are to live here, and think that their duty is done.
Very few truly understand what it means to be patriotic. They don't understand that loving your country blindly, can be just as dangerous as not loving your country at all. They don't get involved on a local level, they don't ask tough questions, and they don't call or write their elected officials. They refuse to talk politics in public for fear of what people might think, or say about them. They fake their patriotism, and most don't even know that they are doing it.
"Faking it" is a big part of why our country is falling apart. Living in a red area, I have come across many people, who are now quite upset about what is going on with our nation. They are disturbed by Bush's lies, gas prices, lack of health care, and loss of jobs all over our country. They are upset, but they are clueless. Many have flat out said to me, "Yea, I'm upset, but what can I do about it?" They don't know where to call or write, or how to bring up the issues in a public conversation. We need to help these people find their voice. Next time you here a person complaining about this administration, make sure they know where to call, and who to write. We hear of "conversion" stories almost daily here at DU, next time you come into contact with a "convert", don't assume that they know how to get their voice heard. Take the couple extra minutes at the end of the exchange to explain what actions to take, and why they must take them.
"Faking it" never feels as good as the real thing, and we need to make sure that the men and women of this country know it. Putting stickers on your car, and flying your flag is a nice gesture, but when done alone, it's hollow. Make sure friends, family, and the new conversions you come across, know how satisfying it is to get involved, writing letters, and making phone calls. Make sure they know what true patriotism is. Once they have had the real thing, they'll never go back to "faking it."
* I learned what true patriotism is, here at DU. People on this board know what it is, but many on the outside do not. We have to get to these people, we have to help them find their voice. We have to make them understand that "faking it" won't cut it anymore, and why. Start with friends and family, then when your comfortable, go up to random people you see bitching at gas stations, and grocery stores. Be prepared, write the names, numbers, and addresses of your elected officials, neatly on little cards and hand them out to people when you hear discontent. If you hand out 10 cards a week and only 2 write in or call, that's still 2 more voices than we had before. Never underestimate what a difference YOU can make in this nation. Never underestimate the value of true patriotism.