Want it bad enough to impersonate a rightwing christian law student for 3 years?
Conservative Christian Law Schools
September 16, 2005 Episode no. 903
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BOB ABERNETHY, anchor: Gay marriage and the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance are two of many issues on which conservative Christians have strong views. Many of them want to change public policy and the law to better reflect their faith and, to that end in the last decade, they have founded three conservative Christian law schools. There are now more than 2,000 graduates of those schools at work in private practice and in government and politics. Lucky Severson reports.
UNIDENTIFIED PROFESSOR (praying): Heavenly Father, thou has placed me in a church which thy Son has purchased with his own blood.
Photo of Christian law class LUCKY SEVERSON: It's abundantly clear that this is not your typical law school. Each and every class at Regent University School of Law in Virginia Beach begins with prayer. And it doesn't end there. This is Dean Jeffrey Brauch.
Dean JEFFREY BRAUCH (Regent University School of Law): We are adding something in addition to what you would get in another law school, and that is Christian thinking on the substance of law and Christian thinking on how to practice law.
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http://www.pbs.org/wnet/religionandethics/week903/feature.htmlA leftie who would take up a seat at those types of schools and endure their pukefest for 3 years has my undying respect.
1. He/she kept another rightwing "Christian" nutjob lawyer out of law school. It's almost as good as a selective abortion, to keep that type of lawyer from even being born. Sweet!
2. He/she has the intestinal fortitude to infiltrate any rancid environment. The CIA should recruit this type of person.