I now have to pay to read Bob Herbert and Krugman
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Mon Sep-19-05 12:54 PM
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I now have to pay to read Bob Herbert and Krugman |
:cry: I'm debating if i should just suck it up and pay the $49.95 a year.
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Mon Sep-19-05 12:57 PM
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1. Here's another one on that |
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Mon Sep-19-05 01:29 PM
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2. If enough pay, every online news site will do it. |
If we stand firm and don't, it might not succeed.
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Mon Sep-19-05 01:35 PM
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Sniff around Editorials. You'll find them.
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Mon Sep-19-05 01:38 PM
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4. It's free when they first post |
Catch them when they come out for free. Wait and they become pay-only.
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Mon Sep-19-05 01:40 PM
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5. If you can wait a day or two and..... |
you subscribe to a local newspaper, as I do with the Palm Beach Post, their columns invariably are re-printed as all the Times columnists are syndicated. You also get to see David Brooks (ugh) and John Tierney (double ugh).
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Mon Sep-19-05 01:43 PM
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6. google their names and then choose their articles |
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Mon Sep-19-05 02:45 PM
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7. I won't pay. I may miss some of the editorials, but less for me to read! |
truthout.org and commondreams.org may have them *unless the paper starts going after them for this*.
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Mon Sep-19-05 05:20 PM
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8. I would say it would be worth it if you have the cash. Though Krugman's |
piece did end up on another site by the end of the day yesterday.
malta blue
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Mon Sep-19-05 05:22 PM
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9. It depends how much you love your NYT |
As someone who had it delivered to their door for 20 of the last 25 years, I see no reason why I should not give $1 a week to have it available to me, IMHO.
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Thu Dec 26th 2024, 07:41 AM
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