I have followed the recall media-Arnold love fest since it began. It is amazing to me that anyone even knows who Cruz is considering that he almost never gets mentioned in a headline of any media, with the exception of when they battered him for taking Indian gaming money.
The headline cycle worked something like this:
Before recall:
"Will Arnold run or won't he?"
Arnold & Cruz announce:
"Arnold is in!"
Arnold starts ahead in the polls:
"Arnold will be the next governor!"
Cruz takes over the top position in all polls:
"Arnold no longer number one, but it's still early!"
No real news:
"Arnold is the American dream!"
Accusations against Arnold:
"Arnold fights off dirty Democratic accusations with a big smile"
http://asia.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNews&storyID=3566376 )
Arnold's lead falters:
"Arnold fighting hard to stay on top!"
Day before election:
"One more day before Arnold becomes governor!"
What the hell is going on in this country? Davis and Cruz are almost totally shut out of any media front page coverage except when they are being slammed.
Arnold is being promoted by the media all of the time, no matter if he's number one in the polls or not.
When the LA Times ran a story which stated facts about Arnold, they were immediately attacked by other media for daring to question the great Arnold. Not only that, the same media attacking the LA Times are the ones who published every unproven Clinton allegation on the front page.
Is everyone frustrated with the media's roll in the recall?
Is this a preview of 2004?