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Good Iraqi Blogs

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Terran1212 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-19-05 08:55 PM
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Good Iraqi Blogs
A lot of people here and in Western press seem to think that Iraqis and Arabs are simple-minded people who must be "brought democracy." That is not true. Even before the fall of saddam, Iraqi blogs were teeming with debate and intelligentsia, and it is a good indicator of the Iraqi spirit.

That blog was kept from around 2002 straight through 2004. It went through the war, but the pre-war stuff where the blogger made fun of saddam was the best. Most people didn't think you were allowed to make fun of saddam on the computer, but I suppose they are wrong. He mostly talks about his life, but around the war time he gets pretty pissed off and becomes political, and he's pretty angry through 2004 becuase things become pretty bad for him and Iraqis.

Another great iraqi blog, but it didnt start until after the occupation, so if you're into the politics of the war this isn't really the place to look.

A great blog from a very educated man in law and politics

These are Kurds. They are very strongly for the occupation, for obvious reasons

Highly pro-occupation Iraqi who trusts GWB more than we do

Anti-occupation blog compiled by many Iraqis

Post your faves!
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stillcool Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-19-05 09:08 PM
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1. big fan of Riverbend here...
Edited on Mon Sep-19-05 09:09 PM by stillcool47
have been reading her blog for some time. Every month, waiting for her blog to appear...I worry. I've emailed her...feeling like a total fool...having difficulty expressing the connection she provides me to her life, her country, her humanity. An experience in itself. I'll check out the others...and thank you for the links!!
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knowbody0 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-19-05 09:18 PM
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2. thanks for posting this
we need to bridge the gap, invite them here.
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stellanoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-19-05 09:57 PM
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3. here are some more
Edited on Mon Sep-19-05 09:58 PM by stellanoir (faiza is a middle aged (raed's) mom who is very thoughtful and opinionated (Salam Pax's newer site)
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