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The Less Government lie
They say they want less government, smaller government, less government intrusion into people’s lives. But they really make government bigger. They have massively expanded the military and homeland security. The difference is, people on the left advocate government that produces added value and benefits for Americans. The right wingers create big government that costs hundreds of billions but that does not build roads, improve infrastructure, enhance our technological advantages, improve schools, strengthen our security. They piss away money on contracts with cronies, foreign contractors, mercenaries, foreign outsourced contractors.
They shrink government functions and agencies designed to protect us, to plan for future emergencies, by cutting funds in the tens of millions and then, when the weakened defenses fail to hold, like the broken levees, or the incompetent crony appointments fail to plan and carry out failed Iraq liberation, they must spend tens or hundreds of billions fixing their screw-ups.
Protecting America
They bluster and make a lot of noise about making America safer, and go off to war in Afghanistan and Iraq. They talk tough about fighting evil, about protecting us from WMDs. But they are incompetent, dishonest, corrupt, deceptive and ineffective at what they do. They make war with phantoms that don’t exist. They don’t understand the dynamics of the threats of terrorism and oversimplify a problem that will not respond to their simple-minded approaches.
Their deep seated belief that partisan loyalty (as compared to patriotism) is more important than competence and experience has riddled the USA with layer upon layer of low quality administrators and managers so the leadership at all levels of government ha been severely compromised. No business would work this way, so they even betray their business philosophical approach they claim to take.